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‘A Distant Idea of Proximity’: How Keats Handled Beauty
The Keats-Shelley Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09524142.2017.1297096
Michael Patrick Allen 1

Abstract This essay brings together two questions that worried John Keats: first, can beautiful things (urns, mythologies, poems) suffer damage through mishandling or misinterpretation? Second, must the poet pursue his vocation in solitude? In his letters, Keats’s thoughts on solitude and sociability continually intersect with his fears of damage to the beautiful. His preoccupation with thinking as touching, and touching as injury, led him to contemplate leaving the city for a hermetic solitude in which his poems would be ‘not fingerable over by men.’ On the other hand, Keats worried about being out of touch with those closest to him. He cherished the ‘silent moulding and influencing power’ of amicable proximity. Keats offered his correspondents what he calls ‘a distant idea of proximity.’ I show how this ‘interassimilation’ of his ‘solitary reperception of beauty’ and textual sociability are legible in his manuscripts.



摘要 本文汇集了约翰济慈担心的两个问题:第一,美丽的事物(骨灰盒、神话、诗歌)会因处理不当或误解而受到损害吗?第二,诗人必须在孤独中追求他的职业吗?在他的信件中,济慈关于孤独和社交的思想不断与他对美受损的恐惧相交。他专注于感人的思考和伤害的感人,这使他考虑离开这座城市,去一个封闭的孤独,在那里他的诗将“无法被人触摸到”。另一方面,济慈担心与最亲近的人脱节。他珍惜亲近的“无声塑造和影响力”。济慈向他的通讯员提供了他所谓的“接近的遥远观念”。