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A ‘Nation of Villages’ and a Village ‘Nation State’: The Arapesh Model for Bernard Narokobi's Melanesian Way
The Journal of Pacific History ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00223344.2020.1759405
Lise M. Dobrin

ABSTRACT Published writings by the Papua New Guinean politician and intellectual Bernard Narokobi present modern Papua New Guinea as a projection of village-based social relations; as he writes in Foundations for Nationhood, ‘We are a nation of villages’. This article explores Narokobi's idea of Papua New Guinea as a village writ large, showing how this conceptualization drew upon his experience of a particular historical and cultural place, the Arapesh village of Wautogik in the mountains of East Sepik Province, where he spent his childhood and returned regularly throughout his life, and which he described as a nation unto itself in an unpublished manuscript that he composed in his later years. Beyond finding reflection in his writings, which often build upon Arapesh concepts and motifs, Narokobi's valorization of Wautogik as a worthy model led him to reciprocally invest, in a deeply principled way, in the village's continued vitality and integrity as a social entity.



摘要巴布亚新几内亚政客和知识分子伯纳德·纳罗科比(Bernard Narokobi)出版的著作将现代巴布亚新几内亚作为基于乡村的社会关系的一种预测;正如他在《民族基金会》中写道:“我们是村庄之乡”。本文探讨了纳罗科比(Narokobi)巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea)作为一个大村庄的想法,表明了这种概念化是如何借鉴他对特定历史和文化场所,东Sepik省山区Wautogik的Arapesh村庄的经历的,他在那里度过了童年和他一生定期归来,他在晚年撰写的未出版手稿中将自己形容为一个国家。除了在他的作品(通常基于Arapesh概念和图案)中找到反思之外,Narokobi'