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Between panic and hope: Indigenous peoples, gold, violence(s) and FPIC in Colombia, through the lens of time
The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07329113.2019.1573489
Viviane Weitzner 1

Abstract This article considers the relationship between gold mining, violence(s) and Indigenous peoples through the lens of legal pluralities with a focus on the dimension of time. Drawing on the specific case of the Embera Chamí of the Resguardo Indígena [Indigenous Reserve] of Cañamomo Lomaprieta in Colombia, I ask: What can an analysis through the lens of time unearth around the type of violence(s) that extractives engender for Indigenous peoples and their ancestral lands? I ground my analysis with concepts emerging from the literature around extractives and legal pluralities, such as Stuart Kirsch’s (2014) “politics of time’; Boaventura Santos’ (2002) “instant” and “glacial time”; and the “lethal” and “ancestral time” that emerge from my own work with Indigenous and Afro-Descendant peoples in Colombia. I develop a typology of actors and legalities vying to regulate the Resguardo’s gold, further developing my concept of “raw law” through the dimension of time. And I show what happens when the Resguardo’s authorities appropriate free, prior and informed consent as a tool towards self-government within this context of inter-i-legality. I take up Lemaitre and Sandvik’s (2015) call to theorize differently contexts of violence, reflecting also critically on ethical implications for activism and collaborative research.


在恐慌与希望之间:哥伦比亚的土著人民、黄金、暴力和 FPIC,通过时间的镜头

摘要 本文通过法律多元化的视角,重点关注时间维度,探讨了金矿开采、暴力和原住民之间的关系。借鉴哥伦比亚 Cañamomo Lomaprieta 的 Resguardo Indígena [土著保护区] 的 Embera Chamí 的具体案例,我问:通过时间镜头的分析可以围绕采掘业对土著人民产生的暴力类型进行分析吗?和他们的祖地?我的分析基于围绕采掘业和法律多元化的文献中出现的概念,例如 Stuart Kirsch (2014) 的“时间政治”;Boaventura Santos (2002) “瞬间”和“冰川时间”;以及我自己与哥伦比亚土著和非洲裔人民的工作中出现的“致命”和“祖先时间”。我开发了一种竞争者和合法性的类型学,以规范 Resguardo 的黄金,通过时间维度进一步发展我的“原始法律”概念。我展示了当 Resguardo 当局在这种合法性的背景下将自由、事先和知情同意作为实现自治的工具时会发生什么。我接受了 Lemaitre 和 Sandvik (2015) 的呼吁,对不同的暴力背景进行理论化,同时也批判性地反思了激进主义和合作研究的伦理影响。