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From Russia with Love: Dissidents, Defectors and the Politics of Asylum in Cold War India
The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03086534.2020.1741835
Paul M. McGarr 1

ABSTRACT During the Cold War defectors were invariably paraded as propaganda trophies. The wider political significance of defections has hitherto been interrogated almost exclusively in an East–West binary. Utilising recently declassified documents from three continents, attention is focused on the elided role played by the developing world in the Cold War asylum story and, specifically, that of non-aligned India. By reinterpreting international responses to three Soviet defections that occurred in India in the 1960s, new light is shed upon political asylum as a source of North–South tension and discord.



摘要 在冷战期间,叛逃者总是被当作宣传战利品进行游行。迄今为止,叛逃的更广泛的政治意义几乎完全是在东西方二元论中受到质疑的。利用最近从三大洲解密的文件,注意力集中在发展中世界在冷战庇护故事中所扮演的角色,特别是不结盟的印度。通过重新解释国际社会对 1960 年代发生在印度的三起苏联叛逃事件的反应,新的视角揭示了政治庇护是南北紧张和不和的根源。