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The Cape Lopez Africans at Maranhão: Geo-political literacy, British consuls, and the demise of the transatlantic slave trade to Brazil
Atlantic Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14788810.2020.1735875
Dale Graden 1

ABSTRACT In early November 1845, sailors from H.M.S. Alert boarded an unnamed vessel off Cape Lopez, Gabon, Africa. Inside its hold they found fifty-eight shackled Africans. Placing a prize crew on the slaver, Commander Charles Bosanquet requested that Lieutenant Noel K. Wasey sail the captured ship to Freetown, Sierra Leone, for adjudication. Facing difficult winds and currents, Wasey shifted course, destination São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil. In January 1846, the captured schooner ran aground in the port of São Luis. Learning of its arrival, a gang of traffickers kidnapped the Africans and transported them to the interior of the province as slaves. Documents preserved in Brazil and England provide insights into the lives and escapes of four of the Africans. The events at Maranhão shed light on key variables that contributed to ending the slave traffic to Brazil in the early 1850s.



摘要1845年11月上旬,来自HMS Alert的水手在非洲加蓬的洛佩兹角附近登上了一艘未命名的船只。在其内部,他们发现了58名sha铐的非洲人。指挥官查尔斯·博桑奎特(Charles Bosanquet)将一名赏金船员放到了奴隶身上,要求诺埃尔·瓦西中尉将捕获的船只驶往塞拉利昂弗里敦,进行裁决。面对艰难的风浪,Wasey改变了航向,目的地是巴西马拉尼昂州圣路易斯。1846年1月,被俘的大篷车在圣路易斯港搁浅。一得知他们的到来,一帮贩运者绑架了非洲人,并将他们作为奴隶运送到该省内陆。保存在巴西和英国的文件为您提供了有关四个非洲人的生活和逃生途径的见解。