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Manufacturing the Jihad in Europe: The Islamic State’s Strategy
The International Spectator ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03932729.2020.1712136
John Turner 1

ABSTRACT As the Islamic State (IS) caliphate in the Middle East has collapsed, it is seeking to extend its influence elsewhere, particularly in Europe where there are existing inter-communal tensions to exploit. IS has deployed the management of savagery doctrine through acts of terrorism as part of its strategy to increase polarisation by exacerbating fear and distrust among communities, encouraging sympathies for far-right actors among non-Muslims and potentially alienating counterterrorism policies by governments, pushing Muslims out of what it terms the ‘grey zone’. The desired outcome is to drain state resources and showcase Europe as hostile to Muslims, promoting the notion of a ‘war on Islam’.



摘要 随着中东伊斯兰国 (IS) 哈里发国的垮台,它正寻求将其影响力扩展到其他地方,特别是在存在可利用的社区间紧张局势的欧洲。IS 已经通过恐怖主义行为部署了对野蛮学说的管理,作为其战略的一部分,通过加剧社区之间的恐惧和不信任,鼓励非穆斯林中极右翼行为者的同情,并可能疏远政府的反恐政策,将穆斯林赶出去,从而增加两极分化所谓的“灰色地带”。预期的结果是耗尽国家资源并展示欧洲对穆斯林的敌意,宣扬“对伊斯兰教的战争”的概念。