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“I know how it is when nobody sees you”: oral-history performance methods for staging trauma
Text and Performance Quarterly ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10462937.2020.1788133
Nikki Owusu Yeboah 1

ABSTRACT In this essay, I argue that, in a society oversaturated with images and narratives of racial trauma, creating theatre for social change requires more than staging minoritarian bodies with the aim of making their trauma visible. Contemporary oral-history performance practitioners must face the challenge of how to make the hypervisible meaningful. Drawing on my own production The (M)others, an oral-history performance adapted from the narratives of Bay-Area women who have lost family members to police violence, I present a methodology that works to disrupt the ways contemporary audiences are invited to passively consume, rather than actively intervene in, acts of racial trauma.



摘要 在这篇文章中,我认为,在一个充斥着种族创伤图像和叙事的社会中,为社会变革创造戏剧需要的不仅仅是为了让他们的创伤变得可见而上演少数族裔团体。当代口述历史表演从业者必须面临如何使超可视化变得有意义的挑战。借鉴我自己的作品 The (M)others,一部改编自因警察暴力而失去家人的湾区妇女的叙述的口述历史表演,我提出了一种方法,可以打破当代观众被邀请被动观看的方式消费而不是积极干预种族创伤行为。