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Quality in Higher Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/13538322.2020.1781335
James Williams

The articles in this issue of Quality in Higher Education were all submitted long before the current Covid-19 crisis but it would, perhaps, be strange not to make mention of the crisis here because quality assurance agencies and institutional professionals are, as everyone else, pre-occupied with its immediate effects and longer-term impact. However, it is arguable that the crisis has highlighted and in many cases driven changes that have been affecting the sector for some time, especially in online learning. The crisis has highlighted the need for close attention to a set of principles, as listed by the President of INQAAHE in a recent address: integrity, protection of students, equality of access, faster and more co-ordinated responses to change, responsiveness to the needs of stakeholders, clear communication, enhanced partnership working and resilience (INQAAHE, 2020). Each of these is reflected in the articles published in this issue of Quality in Higher Education. Several of the articles focus on aspects of collegiality and engagement with quality processes. In an article focusing on the US experience, Celia Cameron explores issues relating to identity and self-esteem amongst staff and argues that differences in self-esteem drive engagement with quality processes. In a study of a programme-based approach to quality management, Henriette Lucander and Cecilia Christersson highlight the importance of stakeholders working together for common interests. In an article describing an international project, Uwe Schmidt, Ly Thi Minh Chau, Jacqueline Dagdagan, Michaela Fuhrmann, Dao Phong Lam, Frank Niedermeier and Anke Köhler highlight the value of what they call ‘collegial audit’. The importance of using rigorous research and data collection to inform effective quality processes in higher education has long been recognised (Harvey and Newton, 2004). This is particularly pertinent to countries where such processes are new or at an early stage. In an article describing the implementation of the first quality audit on Belize, Carlise Womack Wynne and Deryck Satchwell argue that external quality review has stimulated a shift from implicit understanding of quality to one that is informed by data collection. This, the authors argue, has seen academic staff becoming more aware of the meaning and value of quality processes. Two articles highlight the growing importance of employability as a measure of the quality of higher education in countries where quality processes are fairly new. In Ghana, as highlighted in an article by Hope Pius Nudzor, institutions are beginning to record the employment destinations of graduates in order to explore the effectiveness of their programmes. Similarly, graduate employability is an important measure of the quality of higher education in the United Arab QUALITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2020, VOL. 26, NO. 2, 115–116 https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2020.1781335



本期《高等教育质量》中的文章都是在当前的Covid-19危机发生之前很久才提交的,但如果在这里不提及危机,也许很奇怪,因为质量保证机构和机构专业人员与其他所有人一样,专注于其即时影响和长期影响。但是,可以说危机是突出的,在许多情况下,推动变革的变化已经影响了该行业一段时间,尤其是在线学习方面。危机凸显了需要密切关注INQAAHE主席在最近的讲话中所列举的一套原则:正直,保护学生,平等机会,对变化做出更快,更协调的响应,对变化的反应利益相关者的需求,清晰的沟通,增强伙伴关系的工作能力和应变能力(INQAAHE,2020年)。所有这些都反映在本期《高等教育质量》中发表的文章中。其中几篇文章重点讨论了大学之间的合作以及与质量流程的互动。在针对美国经验的一篇文章中,西莉亚·卡梅伦(Celia Cameron)探索了员工中与身份和自尊有关的问题,并认为自尊上的差异会推动员工参与质量流程。Henriette Lucander和Cecilia Christersson在一项基于计划的质量管理方法研究中,强调了利益相关者为了共同利益而共同努力的重要性。在一篇描述国际项目的文章中,Uwe Schmidt,Ly Thi Minh Chau,Jacqueline Dagdagan,Michaela Fuhrmann,Dao Phong Lam,弗兰克·尼德迈尔(Frank Niedermeier)和安克·科勒(AnkeKöhler)强调了他们所谓的“大学审计”的价值。长期以来,人们已经认识到使用严格的研究和数据收集来告知高等教育有效的质量过程的重要性(Harvey和Newton,2004年)。这与新的或处于早期阶段的国家特别相关。Carlise Womack Wynne和Deryck Satchwell在一篇描述伯利兹实施第一次质量审核的文章中指出,外部质量审查已促使人们从对质量的隐性理解转变为以数据收集为基础的质量理解。作者认为,这已经使学术人员越来越意识到质量过程的意义和价值。有两篇文章强调了在质量过程相对较新的国家,就业能力作为衡量高等教育质量的日益重要的意义。正如加纳·皮乌斯·纳德佐尔(Hope Pius Nudzor)的文章所强调的那样,在加纳,各机构开始记录毕业生的就业目的地,以探索其课程的有效性。同样,毕业生的就业能力是阿拉伯联合酋长国《 2020年高等教育质量》的重要质量指标。26号 2,115–116 https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2020.1781335 研究生的就业能力是衡量阿拉伯联合酋长国高等教育质量的重要指标,《 2020年高等教育质量》(VOL)。26号 2,115–116 https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2020.1781335 研究生的就业能力是衡量阿拉伯联合酋长国高等教育质量的重要指标,《 2020年高等教育质量》(VOL)。26号 2,115–116 https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2020.1781335