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A Mutually Gratifying Relationship: Goethe and Hermann von Pückler-Muskau
Publications of the English Goethe Society ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09593683.2017.1281999
Peter James Bowman

Abstract This paper presents the available evidence of meetings between Goethe and the travel writer and landscape gardener Prince Hermann von Pückler-Muskau (1785–1871), including Pückler’s unpublished account of one of them, and charts their correspondence. Goethe thought Pückler’s Briefe eines Verstorbenen depicted an ideal art of living, and his laudatory review assisted the prince’s rise to literary fame, not least in Great Britain, where critical responses to the review shed light on contemporary British attitudes to Goethe. Briefe eines Verstorbenen also inspired some scenes in Faust II, and to a greater extent than hitherto recognized. For his part, Pückler was a lifelong admirer of Goethe, and his approach to his work as a park designer was imbued with Goethean principles.



摘要本文介绍了歌德与旅行作家和园林园艺家赫尔曼·冯·皮克勒-穆斯考王子(1785–1871)之间的会面的可用证据,包括皮克勒对其中之一的未发表的论述,并绘制了它们的对应关系。歌德认为普克勒的《简史·韦斯本本》描绘了一种理想的生活艺术,他的赞美评论对王子的文学成名起到了促进作用,尤其是在英国,评论对评论的批判反应揭示了当代英国对歌德的态度。Briefe eines Verstorbenen还启发了《浮士德二世》中的某些场景,其影响程度比以往所认识的要大。就他而言,普克勒(Pückler)一直是歌德(Goethe)的终身崇拜者,而他作为公园设计师的工作方式充满了哥特式原则。