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Paradoxical self-translations: Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill’s remarkable admission
Irish Studies Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-18 , DOI: 10.1080/09670882.2020.1780684
Linda Revie 1

ABSTRACT This essay explores how one of Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill’s self-translated autobiographical merfolk poems “A Remarkable Admission/Admháil Shuaithinseach” draws on Ireland’s influential pseudohistory Lebor Gabála Érenn/The Book of the Taking of Ireland to recover the archaic essence from Land-Under-Wave. After considering the practice of self-translation as a re-creation that produces “a second original,” and after interpreting the role of her Uncle Thomas as a revenant merman, the essay performs a close reading of the dual language poem, comparing her “crib,” or English version, to the works of her translators Art Hughes and Paul Muldoon. Ultimately, the essay argues that having Ní Dhomhnaill’s English self-translation alongside her Irish poem provides a “double vision” reading that breaks down binaries of identity.


矛盾的自我翻译:Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill 的杰出承认

摘要 本文探讨了 Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill 的自译自传人鱼诗歌之一“卓越的承认/Admháil Shuaithinseach”如何借鉴爱尔兰有影响力的伪历史 Lebor Gabála Érenn/The Book of the Take of Ireland 从土地下恢复古老的本质海浪。在将自译的实践视为产生“第二个原作”的再创造之后,在将她的叔叔托马斯解释为还魂人鱼的角色之后,这篇文章仔细阅读了这首双语诗,比较了她的“婴儿床”或英文版本,翻译成她的翻译者 Art Hughes 和 Paul Muldoon 的作品。最终,这篇文章认为,将 Ní Dhomhnaill 的英语自译与她的爱尔兰诗歌一起提供了一种打破身份二元对立的“双重视野”阅读。