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Hannah Lynch, 1859–1904: Irish writer, cosmopolitan, New Woman
Irish Studies Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-10 , DOI: 10.1080/09670882.2020.1739802
Seán Hewitt 1

chapter) seems to ignore the authors’ own admonishment “There’s just no point having a token woman” (Braniff & Whiting, 2015). Jenny Edkins, in “The Local, the Global, and the Troubling” (2006) asks us, “What is left out when we examine Northern Ireland as a problem with causes to which there might be solutions”? While this volume brings together many useful and intriguing readings of the Northern Irish case, its overt focus on the local and the global as problems to be solved leaves out the essential work of speaking the troubling: “locating the troubles in their global context calls for a dialogue that does not forget the ruptures of difference” (Edkins, 2006, 499). That said, this necessary conversation – while absent from this text – will no doubt benefit from the excellent explanatory work it contains.


汉娜·林奇 (Hannah Lynch),1859-1904 年:爱尔兰作家、世界主义者、新女性

章)似乎忽略了作者自己的告诫“拥有一个象征性的女人是没有意义的”(Braniff & Whiting,2015)。珍妮·埃德金斯 (Jenny Edkins) 在“本地、全球和麻烦事”(2006 年) 中问我们,“当我们将北爱尔兰视为一个可能有解决方案的原因的问题时,遗漏了什么?” 虽然这本书汇集了对北爱尔兰案例的许多有用和有趣的解读,但它公开关注当地和全球作为有待解决的问题,却忽略了说出令人不安的基本工作:“在全球背景下定位问题需要不会忘记差异破裂的对话”(Edkins,2006,499)。也就是说,这个必要的对话——虽然在本文中没有出现——无疑将受益于它所包含的出色的解释性工作。