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Theories of International relations and Northern Ireland
Irish Studies Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/09670882.2020.1748137
Rebecca Graff-Mcrae 1

subsequent chapters. Religion, spirituality and the supernatural are themes that arise regularly throughout the book. The Catholic Church was a strong presence in Irish life when Packy Jim was growing up. Cashman says of him: “he believes in God, guardian angels, and the power of prayer” (47), but Packy Jim describes himself as “a lukewarm Catholic” (61). He does not have much time for the man-made elements of the institutional Church, such as the hierarchy and dogma. He recounts stories of fairies and other mysterious supernatural phenomena. He visits a local traditional healer to seek a remedy for a rash on his chest. Place is another recurrent theme and over the years, Packy Jim’s hometown of Lettercran witnessed sectarian tensions, violence and killings. During the Troubles, described by Packy Jim as “wild dark times” (118), Lettercran, which is surrounded on three sides by Northern Ireland, was not insulated from the atrocities that were carried out. Packy Jim provides an insight into what it was like to live on the border during that time. He tells of neighbours who were targeted and killed by paramilitaries. This section of the book should have been on the reading list of those trying to get their heads around the possible implications of Brexit on the border. Cashman’s book is valuable record. It lets us into Packy Jim’s life and probes his personality and morality. His demographic, elderly bachelors living alone in rural parts of Ireland, are usually absent from the narratives of contemporary Ireland. The book presents stories and legends handed down from one generation to the next. Packy Jim’s unique turns of phrase have been reproduced and immortalised for posterity. As such, it adds to the work of early folklorists such as Séamus Ó Duilearga, Bo Almqvist, or the work of the Irish Folklore Commission.



后续章节。宗教、灵性和超自然是整本书中经常出现的主题。当 Packy Jim 长大时,天主教会在爱尔兰生活中占有重要地位。Cashman 谈到他时说:“他相信上帝、守护天使和祈祷的力量”(47),但 Packy Jim 将自己描述为“不冷不热的天主教徒”(61)。他没有太多时间处理制度教会的人为因素,例如等级制度和教条。他讲述了仙女和其他神秘超自然现象的故事。他拜访了当地的一位传统治疗师,寻求治疗他胸前皮疹的方法。地方是另一个反复出现的主题,多年来,Packy Jim 的家乡莱特克兰见证了宗派紧张局势、暴力和杀戮。在麻烦期间,Packy Jim 将其描述为“狂野的黑暗时期”(118),Lettercran,它的三边被北爱尔兰包围,并没有受到所实施的暴行的影响。Packy Jim 深入了解了当时在边境生活的情况。他讲述了被准军事组织瞄准并杀害的邻居。这本书的这一部分应该列在那些试图了解英国退欧对边境可能产生的影响的人的阅读清单上。Cashman 的书是宝贵的记录。它让我们走进Packy Jim的生活,探究他的个性和道德。他在爱尔兰农村地区独自生活的老年单身汉,通常没有出现在当代爱尔兰的叙述中。这本书展示了代代相传的故事和传说。Packy Jim 独特的词句被复制并为后人永垂不朽。