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Forgotten Pilots, Airfields and Aircraft: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Memory of the Republican Air Force During the Spanish Civil War (1936–39)
Public Archaeology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14655187.2019.1784664
F. Xavier Hernández-Cardona 1 , Xavier Rubio-Campillo 2 , Andrés Besolí 1 , David Íñiguez 1 , Rafel Sospedra 1

As the adage goes, ‘History is written by the winners’, and the Spanish Civil War (1936–39) is a example of how difficult it is to revert this process. Franco’s regime (1939–75) developed a range of narratives focused on a) the justification of the military rebellion against the democratically elected Second Republic government, b) the ‘damnatio memoriae’ of the Republican armed forces and c) the development of a collective guilt about the war. The transition from fascist dictatorship to democracy did not contest Francoist official discourse, and forged a ‘pact of oblivion’ based on the idea that Spanish society should look to the future and forget about the conflict: from personal memories to cultural heritage. One of the victims of this process of targeted forgetfulness was the Republican Air Force because it was an uncomfortable thorn in Francoist narratives. If the Republic was immersed in chaos and its army non-existent, then how did it manage to contest the skies against the most modern German and Italian aircraft? This work describes the activities developed by a long-term public archaeology project designed to rediscover the memory of the people that formed the Republican Air Force. This multifaceted initiative explored the materiality of air warfare through a combination of battlefield archaeology, educational research, museum exhibitions and community engagement. The results presented here are an example of how community-based archaeology projects can promote new critical narratives and rediscover silenced voices even after decades of heavily biased official history. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT



正如谚语所说,“历史是由胜利者书写的”,西班牙内战(1936-39 年)就是一个例子,说明恢复这一过程是多么困难。佛朗哥政权(1939-75 年)发展了一系列叙述,重点是 a) 对民选的第二共和国政府进行军事叛乱的理由,b) 共和武装部队的“该死的记忆”,以及 c) 集体的发展对战争的愧疚。从法西斯独裁到民主的过渡并没有挑战佛朗哥官方的话语,而是基于西班牙社会应该展望未来并忘记冲突的想法而缔结了“遗忘协议”:从个人记忆到文化遗产。这种有针对性的遗忘过程的受害者之一是共和空军,因为它是佛朗哥主义叙事中令人不安的刺。如果共和国陷入混乱,军队不复存在,那么它是如何与最现代的德国和意大利飞机竞争天空的?这项工作描述了由长期公共考古项目开发的活动,该项目旨在重新发现组成共和空军的人们的记忆。这一多方面的举措通过结合战场考古学、教育研究、博物馆展览和社区参与来探索空战的重要性。这里展示的结果是一个例子,说明即使在数十年的官方历史严重偏见之后,基于社区的考古项目如何促进新的批判性叙述并重新发现沉默的声音。图形概要