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Childhood Innocence: Racial Prejudice and the Shaping of Psychological Complexes
Psychological Perspectives Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2019.1624439
Fanny Brewster

This article examines C. G. Jung’s theory of complexes in consideration of ethnicity, racism, and African American culture with a focus on the development of the racial complex within Africanist children. The intention of the exploration of a particular complex identified as a racial complex is to bring into a broader Jungian psychology a discussion of the possibility of increased conscious awareness that supports identification of, and engagement with, the influences of such a complex operative on the individual and group cultural levels. A section of this article reviews American slavery and shadow as archetypes capable of causing constellations that impact on human behaviors, that have promoted racism within American societal structures for centuries. The trauma of the racial complex is reviewed within an Africanist cultural context. Trauma, emotions, and archetypal energy, as shown through racial interactions, are discussed as parts of a racial complex and explored as features of intergenerational cultural trauma. The discussion of the article centers on exploring how ethnicity can create childhood trauma that leads to the psychological development of an Africanist racial complex.



本文在考虑种族、种族主义和非裔美国人文化的情况下研究了 CG Jung 的复合体理论,重点是非洲裔儿童种族复合体的发展。探索一个被确定为种族情结的特定情结的目的是为了将更广泛的荣格心理学带入更广泛的荣格心理学中,讨论增加有意识的意识的可能性,支持识别和参与这种情结对个人的影响和群体文化水平。本文的一部分将美国奴隶制和影子作为能够造成影响人类行为的星座的原型进行审查,这些原型在美国社会结构中促进了几个世纪以来的种族主义。种族情结的创伤是在非洲主义文化背景下审查的。创伤,情感和原型能量,如通过种族互动所显示的,被作为种族情结的一部分进行讨论,并作为代际文化创伤的特征进行探讨。文章的讨论集中在探索种族如何造成童年创伤,从而导致非洲人种族情结的心理发展。