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Synchronicity and “Being Endowed with Meaning”
Psychological Perspectives ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2020.1739469
Hansueli F. Etter

Jung developed over 50 years a paradigmatic idea of an acausal principle, which he called synchronicity. His hypothesis on synchronicity states that, complementary to causality, there exists a further explanatory principle whose effects appear as acausal but meaningful events. Therewith Jung added to the triadic principles of space, time and causality a fourth principle: synchronicity. The experience of individual synchronicities points to a general acausal and meaningful orderedness in nature which apparently exists outside man. Jung published Answer to Job and Synchronicity at the same time, for he attempted to open up a new path to the “state of spiritualization” Beseeltheit of Matter by making the assumption that “being is endowed with meaning.” According to Jung there exists a latent meaning in the cosmos, which existed long before human consciousness developed. He believed that “on the organic level it might be possible to regard biological morphogenesis in the light of the synchronistic factor.” One of many examples in the biological evolution is a Cretaceous-Palaeogene worldwide catastrophe approx. 65 million years ago that resulted in the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. It is understood as the result of a meteorite impact. This catastrophe was a most meaningful chance from the point of view of the mammals, including modern man. We modern humans finally came into existence thanks to a series of cosmic happenings, which were based on causality and synchronicity. What is true for our personal individuation is also true for biological or historical developments: an acausal but meaningful principle is secretly at work.



荣格在 50 多年的时间里发展了一个非因果原则的范式思想,他称之为同步性。他关于同步性的假设指出,作为因果关系的补充,存在一个进一步的解释原则,其影响表现为非因果但有意义的事件。因此,荣格在空间、时间和因果关系的三元原理中添加了第四个原理:同步性。个体同步性的经验表明,自然界存在一种普遍的因果关系和有意义的有序性,它显然存在于人类之外。荣格同时发表了对工作的回答和同步性,因为他试图通过假设“存在被赋予意义”来开辟一条通往“精神化状态”Bseeeltheit of Matter 的新途径。根据荣格的说法,宇宙中存在着一种潜在的意义,早在人类意识发展之前就存在了。他相信“在有机层面上,有可能根据同步因素来看待生物形态发生。” 生物进化中的众多例子之一是白垩纪 - 古近纪世界范围内的灾难。6500万年前导致恐龙大规模灭绝。它被理解为陨石撞击的结果。从包括现代人在内的哺乳动物的角度来看,这场灾难是一次最有意义的机会。由于一系列基于因果关系和同步性的宇宙事件,我们现代人最终得以存在。对我们个人的个性化适用的情况也适用于生物学或历史发展:一个非因果但有意义的原则正在秘密地起作用。他相信“在有机层面上,有可能根据同步因素来看待生物形态发生。” 生物进化中的众多例子之一是白垩纪 - 古近纪世界范围内的灾难。6500万年前导致恐龙大规模灭绝。它被理解为陨石撞击的结果。从包括现代人在内的哺乳动物的角度来看,这场灾难是一次最有意义的机会。由于一系列基于因果关系和同步性的宇宙事件,我们现代人最终得以存在。对我们个人的个性化适用的情况也适用于生物学或历史发展:一个非因果但有意义的原则正在秘密地起作用。他相信“在有机层面上,有可能根据同步因素来看待生物形态发生。” 生物进化中的众多例子之一是白垩纪 - 古近纪世界范围内的灾难。6500万年前导致恐龙大规模灭绝。它被理解为陨石撞击的结果。从包括现代人在内的哺乳动物的角度来看,这场灾难是一次最有意义的机会。由于一系列基于因果关系和同步性的宇宙事件,我们现代人最终得以存在。对我们个人的个性化适用的情况也适用于生物学或历史发展:一个非因果但有意义的原则正在秘密地起作用。