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Mothers of martyrs: Rethinking Shakespeare’s Volumnia’s collective motherhood from a Palestinian perspective
Psychodynamic Practice ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.1080/14753634.2020.1762715
Bilal Tawfiq Hamamra 1

This paper analyses the discourse of sacrifice in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus (1608) from a presentist, Palestinian perspective. I propose that Coriolanus stages for Palestinian readers and audiences their construction of mothers as the breeders of fighters, the mothers’ roles of teaching and preparing their sons for sacrifice which they receive with congratulatory celebration through the noble mother, Volumnia, who raises her sole son, Coriolanus, as a warrior and sacrifices him for the sake of Rome. I contend that Volumnia and some Palestinian mothers of martyrs live through their sons, receiving honorary titles of fame and pride. Virgilia’s worry about her husband resonates with the Palestinian mothers who oppose martyrdom and express their condemnation of the acts of martyrdom. In both the fictional world of Coriolanus and contemporary Palestine, women who defy the ideology of martyrdom are stigmatised by their societies, for they imperil the structures of Roman and Palestinian cultures.



本文从现在主义者、巴勒斯坦人的角度分析了莎士比亚的《科里奥兰纳斯》(1608 年)中关于牺牲的话语。我建议科里奥兰纳斯向巴勒斯坦读者和观众展示他们将母亲塑造成战士的培育者,母亲在教育和准备儿子牺牲的角色,他们通过抚养她唯一儿子的高贵母亲沃伦尼亚(Volumnia)接受祝贺,科里奥兰纳斯,作为一名战士,为了罗马而牺牲了他。我认为沃伦尼亚和一些巴勒斯坦烈士的母亲通过他们的儿子生活,获得了名望和自豪的荣誉称号。Virgilia 对她丈夫的担忧引起了反对殉难的巴勒斯坦母亲的共鸣,并表达了他们对殉难行为的谴责。在科里奥兰纳斯的虚构世界和当代巴勒斯坦,