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Two memories: Darwish and Shehadeh recount their days under siege
Prose Studies Pub Date : 2016-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/01440357.2016.1269452
Hania A. M. Nashef 1

Abstract In the 2002 siege of Ramallah, a man asks one of the Israeli soldiers storming his house, “Do you consider me a human being?” The quotation is from Raja Shehadeh’s When the Bulbul Stopped Singing, a book consisting of diary entries of a month long siege. The work details the anguish, disruption, and terror faced by Ramallah’s inhabitants during the siege and the implications this had on both Israelis and Palestinians. In 1987, Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish published Memory for Forgetfulness, documenting the 1982 Israeli invasion of Beirut. The book records the daily struggles of those caught in the fire, and recalls earlier memories of the homeland through the poet’s unique style of poetry and prose. The pervading question in both works is who is human. Drawing on Agamben and Butler, I argue how these texts provide a counter-narrative to the dominant history as they resist the Homo Sacer status.


两个记忆:Darwish 和 Shehadeh 讲述了他们被围困的日子

摘要 在 2002 年的拉马拉围城战中,一名男子问一名冲进他家的以色列士兵:“你认为我是人吗?” 引文来自拉贾·谢哈德 (Raja Shehadeh) 的《当灯泡停止唱歌时》,这是一本由一个月的围城日记组成的书。这部作品详细描述了拉马拉居民在被围困期间所面临的痛苦、破坏和恐怖,以及这对以色列人和巴勒斯坦人的影响。1987 年,巴勒斯坦诗人马哈茂德·达尔维什 (Mahmoud Darwish) 出版了《遗忘的记忆》,记录了 1982 年以色列入侵贝鲁特。这本书记录了那些被大火吞噬的人们的日常挣扎,并通过诗人独特的诗文和散文,勾起了对祖国早年的回忆。两部作品中普遍存在的问题是谁是人类。借鉴阿甘本和巴特勒,