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Gran Bretagna e Italia tra Mediterranea e Atlantico: Livorno: ‘un portoinglese’/Italy and Britain between Mediterranean and Atlantic Worlds: Leghorn: ‘an English Port’. Edited by Hugo Blake. Archeologia Medievale 19, 2015. ISBN 978-88-7814-648-8, 2017 (pbk).
Post-Medieval Archaeology Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00794236.2018.1515421
Russell Palmer

and appearance across Britain and a surprisingly large number of countries around the world. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Welsh Royal Commission has selected this industry for detailed study. Locally based David Gwyn has produced a most comprehensive volume on many aspects of the industry, amply supported with historic maps, plans and photographs, as well as numerous very clear archaeological drawings in colour. His practical experience with working slate is combined with detailed historical research and a practised archaeological eye. The volume begins with the distinctive landscapes of the slate industry on the one hand and its final products on the other, before devoting most of the book to the various stages of production and the necessary support systems. The most obvious remains might be of extraction and tipping, but these required power systems, drainage and ventilation and transport systems. The product then had to be processed, supported by the workshop and administrative infrastructure. Gwyn explains changes over time and variations between one quarry company and another, these often run by dynasties and moulded by some strong characters. In contrast, the perceptions, skills and behaviours of the workmen — with their many specialisms — also are given full attention, together with their domestic arrangements and settlements where Nonconformist religion and education dominated social activity. This literate, articulate and principled workforce survived poor employment conditions to create a distinctive Welsh-speaking culture that still lives on, even though the industry is a shadow of its former self. The volume concludes by considering how the slate was exported from the region and its impact on the aesthetics of buildings using its products across the globe. There is no wonder that this volume won Best Book at the British Archaeological Awards in the year following its publication. This is a beautifully illustrated reference work on the slate industry, an example of an integrated archaeological approach to an industrial landscape, its monuments and people. It is a fitting volume for a World Heritage Site, and should be in all academic libraries. Anyone visiting Gwynedd would also be advised to have this industrial archaeology classic to hand to enhance their experience.


Gran Bretagna e Italia tra Mediterranea e Atlantico:里窝那:“ un portoinglese” /意大利和英国,介于地中海和大西洋之间:Leghorn:“英属港口”。雨果·布莱克(Hugo Blake)编辑。Medievale 19,2015.ISBN 978-88-7814-648-8,2017(PBK)。

在英国以及世界上数量惊人的许多国家中都有出现。因此,威尔士皇家委员会选择该行业进行详细研究就不足为奇了。大卫·格温(David Gwyn)是当地人,在该行业的许多方面都完成了最全面的研究,并辅以历史地图,平面图和照片以及许多彩色的非常清晰的考古图。他在工作现场的实践经验与详细的历史研究和实践的考古眼相结合。本书的开始一方面是石板行业的独特景观,另一方面是其最终产品,然后将本书的大部分致力于生产的各个阶段和必要的支持系统。最明显的残留物可能是提取和倾倒,但是这些需要电力系统,排水,通风和运输系统。然后必须在车间和管理基础架构的支持下对产品进行处理。Gwyn解释了随着时间的变化以及一家采石公司与另一家采石公司之间的差异,这些差异通常是由朝代经营,并由一些有特色的人物塑造而成。相比之下,工人的观念,技能和行为以及他们的许多专业知识也得到了充分的关注,以及他们的家庭安排和定居点,其中非循规蹈矩的宗教和教育主导着社会活动。尽管该行业是其前身的影子,但这些素养,讲究语言和有原则的员工在恶劣的就业条件下幸存下来,创造了一种仍会继续存在的独特的讲威尔士语的文化。该卷的最后内容是考虑板岩如何从该地区出口以及使用其产品在全球范围内对建筑美学的影响。毫无疑问,该书出版后的一年就赢得了英国考古奖的最佳图书奖。这是一幅精美的石板行业参考书,是对工业景观,其古迹和人物采用综合考古方法的一个例子。这是世界遗产的合适体积,应该在所有大学图书馆中。还建议任何访问Gwynedd的人都拥有这本工业考古经典著作,以增强他们的体验。毫无疑问,该书出版后的一年就赢得了英国考古奖的最佳图书奖。这是一幅精美的石板行业参考书,是对工业景观,其古迹和人物采用综合考古方法的一个例子。这是世界遗产的合适体积,应该在所有大学图书馆中。还建议任何访问Gwynedd的人都拥有这本工业考古经典著作,以增强他们的体验。毫无疑问,该书出版后的一年就赢得了英国考古奖的最佳图书奖。这是一幅精美的石板行业参考书,是对工业景观,其古迹和人物采用综合考古方法的一个例子。这是世界遗产的合适体积,应该在所有大学图书馆中。还建议任何访问Gwynedd的人都拥有这本工业考古经典著作,以增强他们的体验。