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An important 16th-century finds assemblage from ‘Moorfields’, Liverpool Street, London
Post-Medieval Archaeology ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/00794236.2019.1654744
Rachel S. Cubitt , Robert Hartle , Michael Marshall , Beth Richardson , Enid Allison , Gary Bankhead , Julian Bowsher , Vicki Ewens , Nigel Jeffries , Alan Pipe , Frances Pritchard , Karen Stewart

SUMMARY: Excavation at Liverpool Street, London, for Crossrail Limited, uncovered two large drains and a pit in an area of the city known since the medieval period as ‘Moorfields’. Their fills can be closely dated to the mid 16th century and included artefacts such as personal possessions, domestic utensils and refuse, and material likely to be waste from leather and textile processing. The combination of excellent preservation, tight dating and an assemblage encompassing all facets of everyday life is seldom encountered for this period, making this a nationally significant assemblage, which is outlined here by broad functional category.



摘要:在伦敦利物浦街上为Crossrail Limited进行的挖掘工作发现了该地区自中世纪以来被称为“ Moorfields”的两个大型排水沟和一个坑。它们的填充物可以追溯到16世纪中叶,其中包括诸如个人财产,家庭用具和垃圾之类的文物,以及可能从皮革和纺织品加工中浪费掉的材料。在此期间,极少有人将优秀的保存,紧密的约会以及涵盖日常生活各个方面的组合相结合,这使其成为具有全国意义的组合,在此按广义的功能类别进行概述。