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The Fox site (5WL8848): a Clovis occupation on the Kersey Terrace, northern Colorado
Plains Anthropologist Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00320447.2019.1680786
Kelton A. Meyer 1

The Fox site (5WL8848) is a collection of Clovis artifacts from the Kersey Terrace in northern Colorado. In the early 1970s, land-leveling for the construction of a large turkey farm near the town of Kersey revealed chipped stone tools in eolian sand dune sediments at the southern margin of the Kersey Terrace of the South Platte River. Max Fox and other employees of the turkey farm collected three complete Clovis projectile points, several fragmentary points, bifaces, and flake tools at the site. Fox forwarded information about the site to professional archaeologists in the early 1990s, but it was largely ignored after a brief geoarchaeological investigation. The Fox site contains a moderate frequency of chipped stone tools relative to other known Clovis assemblages in Colorado’s South Platte River basin, and it is located within a concentration of Paleoindian kill-butchery sites on the Kersey Terrace. Despite several contextual issues the Fox site is a significant contribution to the Clovis record of Colorado.


Fox 遗址 (5WL8848):克洛维斯在科罗拉多州北部 Kersey Terrace 的职业

Fox 遗址 (5WL8848) 收藏了来自科罗拉多州北部 Kersey Terrace 的 Clovis 文物。在 1970 年代初期,为在 Kersey 镇附近建造大型火鸡农场而进行的土地平整工作显示,在南普拉特河 Kersey 台地南缘的风成沙丘沉积物中发现了碎石工具。Max Fox 和火鸡农场的其他员工在现场收集了三个完整的 Clovis 弹丸点、几个碎片点、双面和薄片工具。福克斯在 1990 年代初期将有关该地点的信息转发给了专业考古学家,但经过简短的地质考古调查后,它在很大程度上被忽略了。与科罗拉多州南普拉特河流域的其他已知克洛维斯组合相比,福克斯遗址包含中等频率的碎石工具,它位于 Kersey Terrace 上的古印第安人屠宰场集中。尽管存在一些上下文问题,但 Fox 网站对科罗拉多州的克洛维斯记录做出了重大贡献。