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Underwater spirits and sacred places: artesian springs in southwestern Missouri
Plains Anthropologist Pub Date : 2018-11-08 , DOI: 10.1080/00320447.2018.1539323
R. Bruce McMillan 1

Indigenous people throughout Native America often bestowed special meaning and veneration upon certain landscape features. This is the case for a series of artesian springs in the upper Osage River basin in western Missouri. Artifacts and features recorded at four springs near the confluence of the Pomme de Terre and Osage Rivers indicate that particular activities were conducted around these artesian spring conduits, actions that suggest that the springs held special meaning to the aboriginal inhabitants. The purpose of this paper is to describe the phenomena observed at the springs and to offer an explanation as to the potential meaning of the artifacts and features found associated with the spring deposits.



美洲原住民的土著人民经常赋予某些景观特征特殊的意义和崇敬。密苏里州西部奥塞奇河流域上游的一系列自流泉就是这种情况。在 Pomme de Terre 和 Osage 河汇合处附近的四个泉水记录的文物和特征表明,在这些自流泉管道周围进行了特殊活动,这些行为表明这些泉水对原住民具有特殊意义。本文的目的是描述在泉水观察到的现象,并解释与泉水沉积物相关的人工制品和特征的潜在含义。