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Varieties of constitutivism
Philosophical Explorations ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/13869795.2019.1601754
Matthias Haase 1 , Erasmus Mayr 2

In the last twenty years, constitutivism has become a major contender in the field of metaethics and in the debate about practical rationality. But while it has attracted a lot of attention, the relations between the different versions of constitutivism are still comparatively underexplored. This special issue aims to highlight their differences and similarities by staging a debate between the varieties of constitutivism. The recent rise of constitutivism is mainly due to its promising a way out of an apparent dilemma that is widely thought to have beset twentieth century meta-ethics and the theory of practical rationality in the analytic tradition. This debate has – put in slightly simplified terms – been widely perceived as a stand-off between, on the one hand, different forms of subjectivism and non-cognitivism, and, on the other hand, different forms of realism or objectivism that posited moral norms in a special realm independent of us (as human beings or rational agents). The difficulties these two approaches face are familiar. Theories of the first kind seem incapable of accounting for the necessity of, e.g. moral norms; theories of the latter kind face the difficulty of explaining the action-guiding character of practical norms. Constitutivism claims to avoid both pitfalls. According to it, practical norms are the objects of genuine cognition, but not independent of our agency, since they are internal to what we are as agents of a certain kind or to activities we engage in as such agents. If it could be shown that there are norms which set constitutive standards for engaging in a certain kind of activity (e.g. practical deliberation) or for being a certain kind of object (e.g. a rational agent), constitutivists have thought, this would provide us with an account of normativity and rational obligation which would avoid both the Skylla of subjectivism and the Charybdis of classical objectivism. For such standards would turn out to be binding for all of us if they could be shown to be internal to what we are essentially or to an activity that is fundamental to our way of being. There are multiple ways in which this general idea has been spelled out in the literature. Recently, the label “constitutivism” has sometimes been used in a broad sense so as to include approaches traditionally thought to be skeptical of the very idea of inescapable and necessary moral norms (e.g. Hume and Nietzsche). However, the more common usage of the term puts the focus on branches of constitutivism that explicitly purport to capture the unconditional necessity of moral or ethical norms. On the one hand, a neoKantian version according to which the concept that characterizes what we are essentially is the concept of a rational or autonomous agent. In consequence, the fundamental practical


