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Choreographic Architecture and Vital Knowledge
Performance Research ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2020.1752573
Kate Mattingly

This article places a performance called Meanwhile by Gaëtan Rusquet in conversation with theories of New Materialism and Indigenous epistemologies to analyse how these events contribute to ecological awareness. Each performance of Meanwhile is variable and foregrounds human imbrications in environments, rather than human domination or control of environs. As a result, the project intervenes in discourses of climate change denial that dissociate human actions from natural disasters. Ultimately this article argues that the sensory knowledge generated through Meanwhile, and the Indigenous worldviews that the performance makes evident, call for more nuanced methodologies for performance analysis. While there are multiple articles that examine climate change in books, academic journals and newspapers, performances of Meanwhile suggest that lived experiences have the ability to challenge familiar ways of behaving and consuming, and motivate audiences to reconsider political and economic decisions. More specifically, this article attends to the ways Meanwhile makes visible interdependencies among environments, materials, and humans, and how our actions contribute to climate change. While theories of New Materialism are valuable frameworks for understanding interdependencies, ultimately this article argues that they often replicate Indigenous worldviews, and that it is vital to honour Indigenous perspectives in performance studies and performance analysis to avoid the occlusion and erasure of these long–standing and relevant value systems.



本文将 Gaëtan Rusquet 的一场名为“同时”的表演与新唯物主义理论和土著认识论进行对话,以分析这些事件如何促进生态意识。同时的每一个表现都是可变的,并以人类在环境中的叠瓦为背景,而不是人类对环境的统治或控制。因此,该项目干预了否认气候变化的话语,将人类行为与自然灾害分开。最后,本文认为,通过同时产生的感官知识,以及表演所体现的土著世界观,需要更细致的表演分析方法。虽然书籍、学术期刊和报纸中有多篇研究气候变化的文章,同时的表演表明,生活体验有能力挑战熟悉的行为和消费方式,并激励观众重新考虑政治和经济决策。更具体地说,本文关注同时使环境、材料和人类之间可见的相互依存关系的方式,以及我们的行为如何导致气候变化。虽然新唯物主义理论是理解相互依存关系的宝贵框架,但最终本文认为它们经常复制土著世界观,并且在绩效研究和绩效分析中尊重土著观点至关重要,以避免这些长期存在的和消除的障碍和消除。相关价值体系。并激励观众重新考虑政治和经济决策。更具体地说,本文关注同时使环境、材料和人类之间可见的相互依存关系的方式,以及我们的行为如何导致气候变化。虽然新唯物主义理论是理解相互依存关系的宝贵框架,但最终本文认为它们经常复制土著世界观,并且在绩效研究和绩效分析中尊重土著观点至关重要,以避免这些长期存在的和消除的障碍和消除。相关价值体系。并激励观众重新考虑政治和经济决策。更具体地说,本文关注同时使环境、材料和人类之间可见的相互依存关系的方式,以及我们的行为如何导致气候变化。虽然新唯物主义理论是理解相互依存关系的宝贵框架,但最终本文认为它们经常复制土著世界观,并且在绩效研究和绩效分析中尊重土著观点至关重要,以避免这些长期存在的和消除的障碍和消除。相关价值体系。