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Transformative agency by double stimulation: advances in theory and methodology
Pedagogy, Culture & Society ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-30 , DOI: 10.1080/14681366.2020.1805499
Yrjö Engeström 1 , Joce Nuttall 2 , Nick Hopwood 3, 4


Theories of agency are often borrowed from psychology and sociology; truly educational theories of agency are rare – theories that not only classify and measure dimensions of agency but enable us to understand how its formation can be pedagogically facilitated. Based on Sannino’s recent work on transformative agency by double stimulation (TADS), a truly educational approach to agency is gaining traction. In double stimulation, a person or group faces a paralysing conflict of motives (first stimulus) which is resolved by identifying a meaningful artefact that is turned into a sign (second stimulus). Today’s critical learning challenges typically do not have obvious or ‘correct’ solutions. They require a pedagogy that allows learners to face conflicts and construct artefacts to help break out of their paralysis. The paradigm of double stimulation, as explored in the articles in this issue, offers as tarting point for a pedagogy of agentive actions and expanding possibilities.




代理理论经常从心理学和社会学中借用;真正的代理教育理论是罕见的——这些理论不仅对代理的维度进行分类和衡量,而且使我们能够理解如何在教学上促进其形成。基于 Sannino 最近关于通过双重刺激 (TADS) 进行变革性代理的工作,一种真正具有教育意义的代理方法正在获得关注。在双重刺激中,一个人或一个群体面临着令人麻痹的动机冲突(第一次刺激),这种冲突通过识别变成符号的有意义的人工制品(第二次刺激)来解决。今天的关键学习挑战通常没有明显或“正确”的解决方案。他们需要一种教学法,让学习者能够面对冲突并构建人工制品来帮助他们摆脱瘫痪。双重刺激的范式,
