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Library, classroom and action centre: design metaphors that shape pedagogy, roles and success criteria for online courses
Pedagogies: An International Journal Pub Date : 2019-10-30 , DOI: 10.1080/1554480x.2019.1684922
David William Price 1

ABSTRACT Moving courses online can amplify a pedagogy of compliance and result in an expensive development that resists change. Alternatively, moving online can expand the pedagogy, roles and success criteria for a course. The literature lacks multi-case analysis of complex online courses. This multiple case study uses activity theory to examine the development and adaptations of four online writing courses at universities in North America. The results suggest three design metaphors that predict expectations for criteria for success, pedagogical approach and development, and adaptability to change. A library metaphor focuses on isolated individuals studying packaged content and is resistant to change. A classroom metaphor focuses on facilitating interactions of students with existing content. In the library and classroom, moving online and responding to learner difficulties can amplify compliance pedagogy. In contrast, an action centre metaphor expands pedagogy and the roles of learners and their community by embracing collaboration, ongoing feedback and meaningful revision to address a community need. Design metaphors can be used to plan, categorize or evaluate online courses.



摘要在线移动课程可以增强合规性的教学方法,并导致开发成本高昂,无法应对变化。另外,上网可以扩展课程的教学法,角色和成功标准。文献缺乏对复杂在线课程的多案例分析。这个多案例研究使用活动理论来研究北美大学中四门在线写作课程的发展和改编。结果暗示了三个设计隐喻,它们可以预测对成功标准,教学方法和发展以及对变化的适应性的期望。图书馆的隐喻着眼于孤立的个体,研究包装内容,并且抗拒变化。课堂隐喻的重点是促进学生与现有内容的互动。在图书馆和教室里 上网和应对学习者的困难可以扩大合规性教学法。相反,行动中心的隐喻通过拥抱协作,持续的反馈和有意义的修改来满足社区需求,从而扩展了教学法以及学习者及其社区的作用。设计隐喻可用于计划,分类或评估在线课程。