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Classifying the Aramaic texts from Qumran: A statistical analysis of linguistic features
Palestine Exploration Quarterly ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00310328.2019.1579452
A. G. Daniel

probably the commanding officer at Lachish. They refer to (i) events at Lachish and Azeqah at the time of the conquest, (ii) envoys sent to Egypt, and (iii) numerous named individuals. These reports appear in each case to support the biblical texts of 1 Samuel, 2 Chronicles, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Finally, as the title of the book once again implies, the story is also one of restoration. Plans for the reconstruction of parts of the site are described, some of which have already been started. In due course, the site will become a national park and visitors to the site now have an opportunity to see the new visitors centre, which is already under construction. Until then readers will have to make do with the present volume, which I can recommend most warmly.



可能是拉吉的指挥官。它们指的是 (i) 征服时在拉吉和亚西卡发生的事件,(ii) 派往埃及的使节,以及 (iii) 众多有名的人。这些报告出现在每种情况下,以支持 1 Samuel、2 Chronicles、Jeremiah 和 Ezekiel 的圣经文本。最后,正如书名再次暗示的那样,这个故事也是一个还原。描述了部分场地的重建计划,其中一些计划已经开始。在适当的时候,该站点将成为一个国家公园,该站点的游客现在有机会看到已经在建设中的新游客中心。在此之前,读者将不得不凑合使用我最热烈推荐的本卷。