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Iron age chronology and biblical history rejoinders: The late bronze/iron age transition, Tel ʿEton and Lachish
Palestine Exploration Quarterly ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00310328.2020.1738145
Israel Finkelstein 1

ABSTRACT In this article, I review three recent articles. In the first, Asscher and Boaretto (2018. ‘Absolute time ranges in the plateau of the Late Bronze to Iron Age transition and the appearance of Bichrome pottery in Canaan, Southern Levant’, Radiocarbon 60, 1–25) suggest that the Late Bronze/Iron I transition occurred in neighboring sites a century and more apart. In the second, Faust and Sapir (2018. ‘The “Governor's Residency” at Tel ʿEton, the United Monarchy and the impact of the old-house effect on large-scale archaeological reconstructions’, Radiocarbon 60, 801–820.) date the construction of a solid building at Tel ʿEton to the tenth century bce and interpret this as validation for the historicity of the United Monarchy of ancient Israel. In the third, Garfinkel et al. (2019a. ‘Lachish fortifications and state formation in the Biblical kingdom of Judah in light of radiometric datings’, Radiocarbon 61, 1–18) announce the discovery of a city-wall belonging to Level V at Lachish, and affiliate it with the building operations of King Rehoboam of Judah, described in 2 Chronicles. Scrutiny of the methods and facts dismisses all three theories.


铁器时代年表和圣经历史反驳:晚期青铜器/铁器时代过渡,Tel ʿEton 和 Lachish

摘要 在本文中,我回顾了最近的三篇文章。在第一个中,Asscher 和 Boaretto(2018 年。“青铜时代晚期到铁器时代过渡的高原的绝对时间范围以及迦南、黎凡特南部的双色陶器的出现”,Radiocarbon 60, 1-25)表明晚期青铜时代/Iron I 过渡发生在相隔一个多世纪的邻近地点。在第二篇文章中,Faust 和 Sapir(2018 年。“Tel ʿEton 的“总督居住地”,联合君主制以及老房子效应对大规模考古重建的影响“,放射性碳 60,801-820。)在 Tel ʿEton 建造一座坚固的建筑到公元前 10 世纪,并将其解释为对古代以色列联合君主制的历史性的验证。在第三个中,Garfinkel 等人。(2019a. “根据放射性测年,圣经中犹大王国的拉吉防御工事和国家形成”,放射性碳 61, 1-18) 宣布在拉吉发现了属于 V 级的城墙,并将其与国王的建筑业务联系起来犹大的罗波安,记载在 2 Chronicles 中。对方法和事实的审查驳回了所有三种理论。