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Gynter Grass Bald Anders: Taking the Self out of Autobiography in Grass’s Beim Häuten Der Zwiebel
Oxford German Studies ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17513472.2019.1664160
Kirstin Gwyer 1

Grass’s autobiographical volume Beim Häuten der Zwiebel is indebted to a range of world-literary predecessor texts, chiefly and most widely researched among them is Grimmelshausen’s Simplicissimus Teutsch (1669). However, it will be argued here that the full import of Simplicissimus emerges only when considered in conjunction with another, rather less closely examined source text, Ibsen’s Peer Gynt (1867), whose eponymous protagonist furnishes the image of the self as alliaceous construct of layers without a core that also informs Grass’s own use of the onion trope. Between them, Simplicissimus and Peer Gynt provide Grass with an intertextual model for auto-subversive self-writing that exposes the autobiographical conceit of ‘telling the truth about the self’ (Lejeune) for the fiction it is.


Gynter Grass Bald Anders:从 Grass 的 Beim Häuten Der Zwiebel 的自传中取出自我

Grass 的自传体 Beim Häuten der Zwiebel 借鉴了一系列世界文学前身文本,其中主要和最广泛研究的是 Grimmelshausen 的 Simplicissimus Teutsch (1669)。然而,这里将争论的是,Simplicissimus 的全部含义只有在与另一部不太仔细研究的源文本结合考虑时才会出现,易卜生的 Peer Gynt (1867),其同名主人公将自我的形象提供为层状结构没有一个核心,也告知 Grass 自己使用洋葱比喻。在他们之间,Simplicissimus 和 Peer Gynt 为 Grass 提供了一个自动颠覆性自我写作的互文模型,该模型揭示了“讲述关于自我的真相”(Lejeune)的自传式自负自负。