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Afghanistan, Soldiers' Experiences and Literary Invention in Dirk Kurbjuweit's Kriegsbraut (2011) and Norbert Scheuer's Die Sprache Der Vögel (2015)
Oxford German Studies ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00787191.2018.1548128
Andrew Plowman 1

This article examines how recent literary texts have sought to represent the experience of German soldiers in Afghanistan in the deployment of the Bundeswehr to NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) after 2001. This deployment proved increasingly controversial in the FRG and from the late 2000s reverberated through cultural production. Literary representations were published into a discursive field already shaped by a proliferation of soldiers’ accounts of ISAF, which as military memoirs laid claim to a particular authority. In readings of Dirk Kurbjuweit’s Kriegsbraut (2011) and Norbert Scheuer’s more self-consciously literary Die Sprache der Vögel (2015), the article offers a case study of the way two recent novels have drawn on and positioned themselves in relation to soldiers’ accounts of their experience. Both novels offer an affirmation of the power of literary invention to cast this experience in a fresh light and the article explores the very different strategies by which they do so.


阿富汗,Dirk Kurbjuweit 的 Kriegsbraut (2011) 和 Norbert Scheuer 的 Die Sprache Der Vögel (2015) 中的士兵经历和文学发明

本文考察了最近的文学文本如何试图代表德国士兵在 2001 年后将联邦国防军部署到北约国际安全援助部队 (ISAF) 的经历。这种部署在 FRG 中引起越来越多的争议,并从 2000 年代后期开始引起反响。通过文化生产。文学作品被发表到一个话语领域中,这个领域已经被士兵对 ISAF 的描述的扩散所塑造,这些描述作为军事回忆录声称拥有特定的权威。在阅读 Dirk Kurbjuweit 的 Kriegsbraut (2011) 和 Norbert Scheuer 更自觉的文学作品 Die Sprache der Vögel (2015) 时,这篇文章提供了一个案例研究,说明了最近两部小说如何借鉴和定位与士兵对他们的经历。