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Challenging Perspectives: Narrative Approaches in Ulrike Almut Sandig’s Flamingos. Geschichten
Oxford German Studies ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00787191.2018.1503473
Heike Bartel 1

In Flamingos, Ulrike Almut Sandig’s collection of eleven stories, narrative perspective comes under constant challenge so that these superficially simple texts reveal on closer inspection a multi-layered complexity. The following close readings of a selection of stories will outline how intimately Sandig’s narrative approach links form and content. The stories focus on the solitary or ‘odd’ individual, on gaps or missing pieces in the sequence of events, on the Fluchtpunkte or vanishing points that the seemingly limited narrative perspective in each story leads to. The stories with their detached tone and understated manner are about an unstable, uncentred world. Cumulatively these views from the margins build up a bigger picture, a mosaic composed from otherwise only loosely connected pieces. Whilst Sandig’s texts challenge the reader through their complex handling of the narrative perspective, they also query through their innovative form the authority of particular ways of viewing and ordering the world both ideologically and aesthetically.



在乌尔里克·阿尔穆特·桑迪格 (Ulrike Almut Sandig) 的 11 个故事集《火烈鸟》中,叙事视角不断受到挑战,因此这些表面上简单的文本在仔细观察后会揭示出多层次的复杂性。以下对一系列故事的仔细阅读将概述桑迪格的叙事方法如何密切地将形式和内容联系起来。这些故事关注的是孤独的或“奇怪的”个体、事件序列中的空白或缺失的部分、每个故事中看似有限的叙事视角所导致的 Fluchtpunkte 或消失点。这些故事以超然的语气和低调的方式讲述了一个不稳定、无中心的世界。累积起来,这些来自边缘的视图构成了一幅更大的图画,一幅由松散连接的碎片组成的马赛克。