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Adventures in Language: Yoko Tawada’s Exophonic Explorations of German
Oxford German Studies ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00787191.2019.1701874
Marko Pajević 1

Yoko Tawada (1960) is for good reasons one of the prime examples of contemporary German exophonic literature. She is a very successful writer in Japanese and in German and provides in her Germanophone writings an ethnography of the German Weltansicht, as Wilhelm von Humboldt famously called languages, or of the German language mindset. This article focuses on her poetry volume of 2010, Abenteuer der deutschen Grammatik, to demonstrate how exophonia can bring us to develop an acute awareness of the ways language structures shape our patterns of thinking. Coming from a very differently organised language, Japanese, Tawada comments in playful ways on the implications of German, and compares it to Japanese. This enables her to be very creative and to make Germans see their language with new eyes. Translingual writing, even though also present in a real mixing of languages in Tawada, appears here as a way to understand how much our ideas are shaped by our linguistic structures, and that there are alternative world views. It thus contributes greatly to a relativization of one’s own perspective and helps to open up to difference and creativity.



田和田洋子(1960)是当代德国外显式文学的主要例子之一,这是有充分理由的。她是一位非常成功的日语和德语作家,在她的德语写作中提供了德国 Weltansicht 的民族志,正如威廉·冯·洪堡 (Wilhelm von Humboldt) 著名的语言,或德语思维模式。本文重点介绍她 2010 年的诗集《德语语法》,以展示外音如何让我们敏锐地意识到语言结构塑造我们思维模式的方式。Tawada 来自一种组织非常不同的语言,即日语,他以俏皮的方式评论了德语的含义,并将其与日语进行了比较。这使她非常有创意,并让德国人以新的眼光看待他们的语言。跨语言写作,尽管在多和田的语言中也出现了真正的混合,但在这里出现是为了了解我们的思想在多大程度上是由我们的语言结构塑造的,以及存在不同的世界观。因此,它极大地促进了个人观点的相对化,并有助于打开差异和创造力。