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The Oxford Handbook of The Prehistoric Arctic
Norwegian Archaeological Review Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00293652.2018.1497084
Eirik Haug Røe 1

The publishing of The Handbook of The Prehistoric Arctic is nothing less than a milestone within Arctic archaeology. Over three decades have now passed since the previous interregional syntheses of the North American Arctic were written for an academic readership (e.g. Damas 1984, Maxwell 1985). To fill this gap in the literature, editors T. Max Friesen and Owen K. Mason have united current leading researchers working across the field, including the western side of the Bering Strait and Greenland. The handbook delivers a comprehensive and thorough dissemination of knowledge that will stand as a vital work of reference for future research. In the near foreseeable future, it will surely be found on the bookshelves of every serious scholar in the field. The chapters of the handbook are divided among three parts. Part one introduces the reader to the North American Arctic through themes relevant to the entire area and its prehistory, showcasing the potentials of different methodologies such as climatic reconstructions, wood analysis, metallurgy, etc. Parts two and three cover the Western and Eastern Arctic regions respectively, a division that follows clear (but permeable) cultural boundaries throughout prehistory. The narrative structures of the two parts are somewhat different due to the varying complexity of the regions’ prehistories. This pertains to the deeper prehistory and geographic position of the Western Arctic as the gateway to North America, and the extremity of the Eastern Arctic geography and its severe conditions for human adaptation. Although a few themes and regions have evidently been difficult to corral into the format of a comprehensive handbook, the total result is an orderly and forthright volume that is accessible for a general academic readership. The two opening chapters feature recent advances in genomic and isotope science made within Arctic archaeology, introducing the reader to the field through perspectives from cutting-edge research in archaeological science. While innovations in archaeological science have advanced our understanding of culture-historical connections between prehistoric and present demographics of the Arctic, progress has also been made in decolonising archaeology to include Indigenousfocused methodologies and community-oriented research. Historically, the participation of Indigenous populations in Arctic archaeology has often been limited to being represented in ethnographic literature as analogies for prehistoric societies. This situation has changed through recent decades, concurrently with the development of community-based archaeology. The topic is covered in chapter 8 by Natasha Lyons, who thoughtfully challenges perceptions of what makes archaeology relevant for society by reviewing the development and current state of the relationship between archaeology and Indigenous communities of the Arctic. The critical evaluation of past and present research practices can be reflected on the preface discussion by the editors concerning how ethnographic accounts of modern and recent peoples are used in Arctic archaeology. While the use of ethnography in research on Arctic prehistory remains a highly relevant issue throughout the handbook, Lyons looks beyond the use of historical and modern ethnographies towards the actual involvement by local communities in archaeological research. The reader is thus engaged in a discussion of why researchers should be concerned about how they interact with, and how their research impacts, Indigenous stakeholders. Rather than providing a protocol for making research multivocal and accessible, the chapter serves as an intellectual platform for researchers to reflect on the context and



《史前北极手册》的出版是北极考古学的一个里程碑。自从之前的北美北极地区间综合报告是为学术读者编写的(例如 Damas 1984,Maxwell 1985)以来,已经过去了三十多年。为了填补文献中的这一空白,编辑 T. Max Friesen 和 Owen K. Mason 联合了当前在该领域工作的领先研究人员,包括白令海峡西侧和格陵兰岛。该手册提供了全面而彻底的知识传播,将成为未来研究的重要参考工作。在不久的可预见的将来,它肯定会出现在该领域每一位严肃学者的书架上。手册的章节分为三个部分。第一部分通过与整个地区及其史前史相关的主题向读者介绍北美北极,展示气候重建、木材分析、冶金等不同方法的潜力。第二和第三部分涵盖北极西部和东部地区分别是在整个史前时期遵循清晰(但可渗透)的文化界限的划分。由于地区史前史的复杂程度不同,两部分的叙事结构有所不同。这与作为通往北美门户的北极西部更深的史前史和地理位置有关,与北极东部地理的极端及其人类适应的严峻条件有关。虽然一些主题和地区显然难以融入一本综合手册的格式,但总体结果是一本有序、直截了当的卷,可供一般学术读者阅读。开头的两章介绍了北极考古学中基因组和同位素科学的最新进展,通过考古科学前沿研究的观点向读者介绍了该领域。虽然考古科学的创新提高了我们对史前和现在北极人口统计之间的文化历史联系的理解,但在非殖民化考古学方面也取得了进展,包括以土著为重点的方法论和以社区为导向的研究。从历史上看,原住民对北极考古学的参与通常仅限于在人种学文献中作为史前社会的类比。近几十年来,随着以社区为基础的考古学的发展,这种情况发生了变化。Natasha Lyons 在第 8 章中介绍了该主题,她通过回顾考古学与北极土著社区之间关系的发展和现状,深思熟虑地挑战了人们对考古学与社会相关的看法。对过去和现在研究实践的批判性评估可以反映在编辑关于现代和近代人的民族志描述如何在北极考古学中使用的前言讨论中。虽然在整个手册中使用民族志研究北极史前史仍然是一个高度相关的问题,但里昂超越了历史和现代民族志的使用,着眼于当地社区实际参与考古研究。因此,读者将参与讨论为什么研究人员应该关注他们如何与土著利益相关者互动,以及他们的研究如何影响土著利益相关者。本章不是提供使研究具有多语性和可访问性的协议,而是作为研究人员反思背景和 因此,读者将参与讨论为什么研究人员应该关注他们如何与土著利益相关者互动,以及他们的研究如何影响土著利益相关者。本章不是提供使研究具有多语性和可访问性的协议,而是作为研究人员反思背景和 因此,读者将参与讨论为什么研究人员应该关注他们如何与土著利益相关者互动,以及他们的研究如何影响土著利益相关者。本章不是提供使研究具有多语性和可访问性的协议,而是作为研究人员反思背景和