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Contesting narratives: the Koh Tao tourists murders
Asian Anthropology Pub Date : 2016-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/1683478x.2016.1204021
Erik Cohen

The gruesome murder of two British tourists in September 2014 on “paradisiac” Koh Tao, a world-renowned diving site in Thailand, attracted widespread international attention. The authorities therefore urged the police to swiftly resolve a case threatening foreign tourism arrivals and the country’s image. Using Innes’ concept of police “investigation narratives” in homicide cases, this report contrasts the narrative of the murders constructed by the police under pressure from the authorities, with a widespread counter-narrative, which criticized the police for scapegoating weak, illegal foreign labor migrants as the murderers, while allegedly covering for the real culprits. The article shows how a rigid adherence to the police’s narrative, due to extraneous considerations, backfired on the police and the authorities and embroiled them in a widening national and international dispute, with high stakes for the prestige of the Prime Minister, the reputation of the police and the image of the country. Under the circumstances, the prosecution and eventually the lower instance court accepted the police’s narrative, leading to a death sentence for the accused, which aroused wide indignation and protest, and is currently under appeal. In conclusion it is argued that Innes’ concept of investigation narratives has a political dimension, since such narratives can be strategically deployed by the police and used by the authorities for their own political ends, with deleterious implications for the dispensation of justice.



2014年9月,两名英国游客在泰国举世闻名的潜水胜地“天堂”涛岛惨遭谋杀,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。因此,当局敦促警方迅速解决一起威胁外国游客人数和国家形象的案件。本报告使用英尼斯在凶杀案中的警察“调查叙事”概念,将警方在当局压力下构建的谋杀叙事与广泛的反叙事进行对比,后者批评警方将软弱的非法外劳作为替罪羊移民作为凶手,同时据称掩盖了真正的罪魁祸首。这篇文章展示了如何严格遵守警方的叙述,由于无关紧要的考虑,对警察和当局适得其反,并使他们卷入日益扩大的国内和国际争端,对总理的声望、警察的声誉和国家形象具有重大影响。在这种情况下,检方和下级法院最终采纳了警方的说法,导致被告人被判处死刑,引起广泛愤慨和抗议,目前正在上诉中。总之,有人认为 Innes 的调查叙事概念具有政治维度,因为这种叙事可以被警察战略性地部署并被当局用于他们自己的政治目的,对正义的分配产生有害的影响。警察的声誉和国家的形象。在这种情况下,检方和下级法院最终采纳了警方的说法,导致被告人被判处死刑,引起广泛愤慨和抗议,目前正在上诉中。总之,有人认为 Innes 的调查叙事概念具有政治维度,因为这种叙事可以被警察战略性地部署并被当局用于他们自己的政治目的,对正义的分配产生有害的影响。警察的声誉和国家的形象。在这种情况下,检方和下级法院最终采纳了警方的说法,导致被告人被判处死刑,引起广泛愤慨和抗议,目前正在上诉中。总之,有人认为 Innes 的调查叙事概念具有政治维度,因为这种叙事可以被警察战略性地部署并被当局用于他们自己的政治目的,对正义的分配产生有害的影响。