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Embodying and consuming modernity on Muslim pilgrimage: gendered shopping and clothing practices by Malaysian women on “umrah and ziarah Dubai”
Asian Anthropology Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/1683478x.2018.1483477
Viola Thimm 1

Abstract Muslim pilgrimage has gained much attention in public debates and academic research. This article examines gendered shopping practices among Muslim Malay Malaysian women performing pilgrimage (umrah) connected with ziarah, which is understood here as part religious observance and part holiday and leisure, through a multi-sited ethnographic study. Only a few studies have examined Muslim pilgrimage using a theoretical gender optic and fewer by taking processes of consumerism and modernity into account. The article is based on Arjun Appadurai’s concept of modernity as rupture, which refers to the idea of modernity as an unprecedented break between past and present. I argue in this article that Muslim Malay Malaysian women on “umrah and ziarah Dubai” constitute themselves as modern women through purchasing the abaya – a long black garment which is usually worn by Arab women – in Dubai, and thereby do not break with the past but transcend the past and the present. Hence, in contrast to Appadurai’s understanding, modernity in this article is conceptualized as the ability and possibility to bridge the past with the present.


在穆斯林朝圣中体现和消费现代性:马来西亚女性在“umrah and ziarah Dubai”上的性别购物和服装做法

摘要 穆斯林朝圣在公共辩论和学术研究中备受关注。本文通过一项多地点的民族志研究,研究了与 ziarah 相关的穆斯林马来马来妇女在进行朝圣 (umrah) 时的性别购物行为,这里将其理解为部分宗教仪式和部分假期和休闲活动。只有少数研究使用理论性别视角来研究穆斯林朝圣,而将消费主义和现代性过程考虑在内的研究则更少。这篇文章基于阿琼·阿帕杜赖 (Arjun Appadurai) 的现代性作为断裂的概念,该概念将现代性视为过去与现在之间前所未有的断裂。我在这篇文章中争辩说,“umrah and ziarah Dubai”上的穆斯林马来马来西亚女性通过在迪拜购买 abaya——一种通常由阿拉伯女性穿着的黑色长衣——构成了自己的现代女性,从而不会与过去决裂但超越过去和现在。因此,与阿帕杜赖的理解相反,本文中的现代性被概念化为连接过去与现在的能力和可能性。