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Water Issues in Bangladesh: Growing Pollution and Mismanagement
Asian Affairs ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-14 , DOI: 10.1080/03068374.2020.1749456
Amit Ranjan

Abstract At present, Bangladesh is self-sufficient in water. However, this self-sufficiency is by no means assured. Bangladesh's supplies of water are under threat through a combination of population growth, climate change, and pollution, sometimes caused by mismanagement. This article looks at the state of surface and ground waters in Bangladesh. It discusses the growing demand for water, pollution of the water bodies, and encroachment on the riverbeds, and the way in which this has been dealt with by Bangladesh's authorities. It argues that if things remain business-as-usual, it will become difficult for Bangladesh to continue with its high growth rate over the long term.



摘要 目前,孟加拉国水资源自给自足。然而,这种自给自足并没有得到保证。孟加拉国的供水受到人口增长、气候变化和污染的威胁,污染有时是由管理不善造成的。本文着眼于孟加拉国地表水和地下水的状况。它讨论了对水的日益增长的需求、水体的污染和河床的侵占,以及孟加拉国当局处理这些问题的方式。它认为,如果一切照旧,孟加拉国将难以长期保持高增长率。