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The Phenomenon of Beauty
Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/20539320.2018.1516427
Jean-Luc Marion 1, 2

ABSTRACT That beauty [beauté] pertains to phenomenality, this may have long seemed self-evident. For however conveyed and crafted in sensible experience, beauty is to be seen, heard, touched; in short it makes itself manifest. Not only does beauty make itself manifest by taking shape, but it makes itself manifests par excellence, to a greater extent than what appears in the course of everyday life. The beautiful [beau] should therefore be seen as a phenomenon. Today, however, we can no longer take this rule for granted; nor can we consider to be irrefutable the fact that beauty phenomenalizes itself as such, and that we can experience [éprouver] directly and as such a “phenomenon of the beautiful.”


