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From the (end of) Dōwa policies to (the start of) an anti-discrimination policy?
Japan Forum ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09555803.2019.1646787
Ian Neary

Abstract There have been proposals to pass a law making discrimination against Burakumin an offence since at least 1925, but the Japanese government was never sympathetic towards them. Post-war, although some targeted measures were taken to provide improvements to Buraku communities through the Dōwa policy projects, there was still resistance to any suggestion that discrimination against Burakumin, or indeed any other group, be legally discouraged. This was despite the fact that many other liberal democracies were devising such legislation and creating commissions to hold governments to account and, at the international level, the UN was codifying human rights standards. Amos and Bondy in the following articles demonstrate how the LDP was persuaded to introduce the LPEBD into the Diet in early 2016 where it was passed with the support of all parties except for the JCP. This article sketches out the background to these developments looking at the evolution of policy across the twentieth century and the international context of its passage between 2014–2018.



摘要 至少自 1925 年以来,一直有人提议通过一项法律,将歧视部落民定为犯罪,但日本政府从未对他们表示同情。战后,虽然通过同和政策项目采取了一些有针对性的措施来改善部落社区,但仍然存在抵制任何建议在法律上阻止对部落民或任何其他群体的歧视。尽管许多其他自由民主国家正在制定此类立法并设立委员会来追究政府的责任,而且在国际层面,联合国正在编纂人权标准。Amos 和 Bondy 在以下文章中展示了自民党如何在 2016 年初被说服将 LPEBD 引入国会,并在除 JCP 之外的所有政党的支持下获得通过。本文概述了这些发展的背景,着眼于整个 20 世纪的政策演变及其 2014-2018 年间的国际背景。