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Glimpses of Resistance to Spanish (and Austrian) Rule: Reading I promessi sposi in a Transnational Frame*
Italian Culture ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/01614622.2019.1609209
Stephanie Jed 1

In I promessi sposi, Manzoni provides, in his representations of Spanish relations of ruling, both glimpses of an economy that has begun to link to a world capitalist system and glimpses of resistance to this globalizing model. I investigate the continuity of this resistance from the time of the Spanish occupation (represented in the novel) to later archival texts that document Austrian efforts, in the Lombard countryside, to control the movements of malviventi and the spread of the cholera epidemic (1836). I suggest that, though Manzoni’s novel is indisputably a classic of Italian literature and European Romanticism, it can also be read productively against the grain of both national and regional literatures; as a work that resonates with other world literatures, the novel also represents alternatives to the nation, economy, and culture that were negotiated in Italian and other nationalist projects of the nineteenth century.



在 I promessi sposi 中,曼佐尼在他对西班牙统治关系的描述中,既瞥见了已经开始与世界资本主义体系联系起来的经济,又瞥见了对这种全球化模式的抵抗。我调查了这种抵抗从西班牙占领时期(在小说中表现出来)到后来记录奥地利在伦巴第农村为控制马尔维文蒂运动和霍乱流行病蔓延所做努力的档案文本的连续性(1836 年) . 我认为,虽然曼佐尼的小说无可争议地是意大利文学和欧洲浪漫主义的经典之作,但它也可以与民族和地区文学的格调相反地进行富有成效的阅读;作为一部与其他世界文学产生共鸣的作品,这部小说也代表了国家、经济、