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The Complex of Gawhar Shad in Herat: New Findings about its Architecture and Ceramic Tile Decorations
Iran ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-11 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2019.1571769
Sandra Aube 1 , Thomas Lorain 2 , Julio Bendezu-Sarmiento 3

ABSTRACT The architectural complex commissioned by Gawhar Shad in Herat (820–841/1417–1438) constitutes one of the major foundations of the Timurid capital city. The site has sustained substantial damage over the centuries and very little is currently known about its architecture and decoration. Since the 1980s, access to it has been strictly limited due to the presence of landmines. This article aims to present the last archaeological surveys carried out on the site in recent years, and to introduce the first results of the study of the ceramic tiles collected on the “Musalla” and transferred to the National Museum of Herat in 2015.


赫拉特的 Gawhar Shad 建筑群:关于其建筑和瓷砖装饰的新发现

摘要 Gawhar Shad 在赫拉特 (820–841/1417–1438) 委托建造的建筑群构成了帖木儿首都的主要基础之一。几个世纪以来,该遗址遭受了严重的破坏,目前对其建筑和装饰知之甚少。自 1980 年代以来,由于地雷的存在,进入它一直受到严格限制。本文旨在介绍近年来在该遗址上进行的最后一次考古调查,并介绍对“穆萨拉”收集并于 2015 年转移到赫拉特国家博物馆的瓷砖的研究的第一个结果。