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Cutting the Mustard: New Insights Into the Plant Economy of Late Neolithic Tepe Khaleseh (Iran)
Iran ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-16 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2019.1642792
Jade Whitlam 1 , Hamid Reza Valipour 2 , Michael Charles 1

ABSTRACT Excavations at Tepe Khaleseh, a small-settlement mound in the Zanjan Province of northwest Iran, have uncovered numerous structures dating to the second half of the sixth millennium B.C., including a pottery kiln. The charred plant remains recovered from the site provide evidence for the cultivation of a diverse spectrum of cereals, along with pulses, which are rare at contemporary sites in the region. Analysis of the archaeobotanical assemblage has also permitted a reconstruction of fuel use at the site, with wild mustards identified as having played a key role in the settlement’s fuel economy. The results presented here expand significantly on our understanding of plant management in northern Iran during the Late Neolithic, a period when we see the spread of farming out of the Fertile Crescent and into Eurasia.


切芥末:新石器时代晚期 Tepe Khaleseh(伊朗)植物经济的新见解

摘要 在伊朗西北部赞詹省的一个小型聚居土丘 Tepe Khaleseh 的发掘中发现了许多可追溯到公元前六千年后半叶的建筑,包括一个陶窑。从该地点回收的烧焦的植物残骸为种植各种谷物以及豆类提供了证据,这在该地区的当代地点很少见。对古植物组合的分析还允许重建该地点的燃料使用,野生芥菜被确定为在该定居点的燃料经济性中发挥了关键作用。此处呈现的结果极大地扩展了我们对新石器时代晚期伊朗北部植物管理的理解,这一时期我们看到农业从新月沃地扩展到欧亚大陆。