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Trial Trenching and Discovery of a Columned Building in Bazeh-Hur (North-East Iran)
Iran ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-28 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2019.1657782
Meysam Labbaf-Khaniki 1

ABSTRACT The Bazeh-Hur archaeological project carried out in May–June 2017 led to identifying the limits of the settlement is bounded by chahartaq and Qale Dokhtar respectively in the north and south. The investigations have also shed significant lights on the structure and plan of a columned building abutting the eastern side of the chahartaq. Excavations at this area revealed some remains of the round columns that might have once supported the ceiling of a 16-columned building. Considering the comparable Sasanian monuments, the unearthed columned building of Bazeh Hur was served as an ayvān or reception hall dating back to the second half of the Sasanian period.



摘要 2017 年 5 月至 6 月进行的 Bazeh-Hur 考古项目确定了定居点的界限,北部和南部分别以 chahartaq 和 Qale Dokhtar 为界。调查还揭示了毗邻 chahartaq 东侧的一座圆柱建筑的结构和平面图。对该地区的挖掘发现了一些圆柱的遗迹,这些圆柱可能曾经支撑着一座 16 柱式建筑的天花板。考虑到可比的萨珊古迹,出土的巴泽胡尔柱状建筑被用作 ayvān 或可追溯到萨珊王朝后半期的接待大厅。