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Education as site of memory: developing a research agenda
International Studies in Sociology of Education ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-15 , DOI: 10.1080/09620214.2020.1743198
Julia Paulson 1 , Nelson Abiti 2 , Julian Bermeo Osorio 3 , Carlos Arturo Charria Hernández 4 , Duong Keo 5 , Peter Manning 6 , Lizzi O. Milligan 6 , Kate Moles 7 , Catriona Pennell 8 , Sangar Salih 9 , Kelsey Shanks 10


The field of memory studies tends to focus attention on the ‘3Ms’ – museums, monuments, memorials – as sites where memories are constructed, communicated, and contested. Where education is identified as a site for memory, the focus is often narrowly on what is or is not communicated within curricula or textbooks, assuming that schools simply pass on messages agreed or struggled over elsewhere. This article explores the possibilities opened when educative processes are not taken as stable and authoritative sites for transmitting historical narratives, but instead as spaces of contestation, negotiation and cultural production. With a focus on ‘difficult histories’ of recent conflict and historical injustice, we develop a research agenda for education as a site of memory and show how this can illuminate struggles over dominant historical narratives at various scales, highlighting agencies that educational actors bring to making sense of the past.




记忆研究领域趋向于将注意力集中在“ 3M”上-博物馆,纪念碑,纪念馆-建造,交流和辩论记忆的场所。在将教育确定为记忆的地方的情况下,假定学校只是传递同意或在别处苦苦挣扎的信息,则通常将重点仅集中在课程或教科书中所传达或未传达的内容上。本文探讨了当教育过程不被视为传递历史叙事的稳定而权威的场所时,而是作为争辩,谈判和文化生产的空间时所带来的可能性。着眼于近期冲突和历史不公的“艰难历史”,
