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An Inflammatory Reaction to Stored Fascia Lata 37 Years Postimplantation
Ocular Oncology and Pathology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1159/000510205
Kaisra Esmail 1 , David Ronald Jordan 1 , Seymour Brownstein 1, 2 , Tina Tang 1, 2 , Bruce Burns 2

We report a rare case of a suspected inflammatory reaction to stored fascia lata 37 years post-placement. Clinical, imaging, histopathological, and immunohistochemical findings are presented, with a literature review on reactions to stored fascia lata. A 39-year-old woman had upper eyelid congenital ptosis repaired successfully at 2 years with bilateral frontalis suspension procedures using stored fascia lata. Thirty-seven years later, the patient presented with swelling of her eyelids and forehead, which was tender to the touch, in the same pattern as the fascia lata slings placed earlier. Histopathological examination disclosed a non-necrotizing granulomatous inflammatory infiltrate with numerous asteroid bodies. Initially, it was responsive to oral prednisone, but with recurrent inflammation, long-term methotrexate was required to control the inflammation. To our knowledge, this type of delayed inflammatory reaction has not been previously reported. It raises a concern about the use of allogeneic donor tissue and accepted sterilization techniques that may not be 100% effective in deactivating all components of the donor graft, including potential infectious pathogens, leading to a subsequent latent reaction.
Ocul Oncol Pathol


植入后 37 年对储存的阔筋膜的炎症反应

我们报告了一个罕见的病例,该病例在放置后 37 年对储存的阔筋膜产生疑似炎症反应。介绍了临床、影像学、组织病理学和免疫组化结果,并回顾了对储存阔筋膜的反应的文献。一名 39 岁的女性,上睑先天性上睑下垂在 2 年时成功修复,使用储存的阔筋膜进行双侧额肌悬吊术。37 年后,患者出现眼睑和前额肿胀,触感柔软,与之前放置阔筋膜吊带的情况相同。组织病理学检查显示有许多小行星体的非坏死性肉芽肿炎性浸润。最初,它对口服泼尼松有反应,但炎症反复发作,需要长期服用甲氨蝶呤来控制炎症。据我们所知,这种类型的延迟炎症反应以前没有报道过。它引发了对使用同种异体供体组织和公认的灭菌技术的担忧,这些技术可能无法 100% 有效地使供体移植物的所有成分(包括潜在的传染性病原体)失活,从而导致随后的潜伏反应。