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Black Death, Mourning and The Terror of Black Reproduction: Aborting the Black Muslim Self, Becoming the Assimilated Subject
Souls ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1080/10999949.2020.1804803
Jan-Therese Mendes

Engaging with the contingencies of white national belongings and recognizable human life within the welfare states of Canada and Sweden this article questions whether Black Muslim women have access to grievable existence. Theorizing through the dismissal of Black death and the dread of Black women’s reproductive capacities, this article considers how the Black Muslim woman who dissolves her Blackness and aborts the once-threatening parts of the self can conditionally enter into mournable life, as the assimilated suicidal subject.



在加拿大和瑞典的福利国家中,白人国民的偶然事件和人类生活的可识别性引起了这篇文章的质疑,黑人穆斯林妇女是否有获得悲惨生活的途径。通过解雇黑人死亡和黑人妇女的生殖能力的恐惧来进行理论分析,本文考虑了黑人穆斯林妇女如何化解其黑人生活并中止曾经威胁自己的自我,从而有条件地进入悲惨的生活,成为被同化的自杀主题。 。
