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Politicising immigration in times of crisis
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1080/1369183x.2020.1853902
Swen Hutter 1 , Hanspeter Kriesi 2, 3


The article examines the politicisation of immigration in Europe during the so-called migration crisis. Based on original media data, it traces politicisation during national election campaigns in 15 countries from the 2000s up to 2018. The study covers Northwestern (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Switzerland), Central-Eastern (Hungary, Poland, Latvia, and Romania), and Southern Europe (Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain). We proceed in three interrelated steps. First, we show that the migration crisis has accentuated long-term trends in the politicisation of immigration. The issue has been particularly salient and polarised in Northwestern Europe but also in the latest Italian, Hungarian, and Polish campaigns. Second, radical right parties are still the driving forces of politicisation. The results underscore that the radical right not only directly contributes to the politicisation of immigration but triggers other parties to emphasize the issue, too. Third, we observe a declining ‘marginal return’ of the migration crisis on the electoral support of the radical right, and we confirm previous studies by showing that an accommodating strategy by the centre-right contributes to the radical right’s success, provided the centre-right attributes increasing attention to immigration.




这篇文章探讨了在所谓的移民危机期间欧洲移民的政治化。根据原始媒体数据,它追溯了从 2000 年代到 2018 年 15 个国家的全国竞选活动中的政治化。该研究涵盖了西北部(奥地利、英国、法国、德国、爱尔兰、荷兰和瑞士)、中东部(匈牙利、波兰、拉脱维亚和罗马尼亚)和南欧(希腊、意大利、葡萄牙和西班牙)。我们分三个相互关联的步骤进行。首先,我们表明,移民危机加剧了移民政治化的长期趋势。这个问题在西北欧尤为突出和两极分化,在最近的意大利、匈牙利和波兰战役中也是如此。其次,激进的右翼政党仍然是政治化的驱动力。结果强调,激进右翼不仅直接助长了移民政治化,而且还引发其他政党强调这一问题。第三,我们观察到移民危机对激进右翼的选举支持的“边际回报”下降,我们证实了先前的研究,表明中右翼的包容策略有助于激进右翼的成功,前提是中右翼权利归因于对移民的日益关注。
