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Nationalism and internationalism in education in Europe in the 1920s through the eyes of an American observer
Paedagogica Historica ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2021.1872659
Michael Byram 1


This article addresses the ways in which education systems responded to the aftermath of World War I with respect to education for nationalism and internationalism. It does so by drawing on theories of internationalism and through an analysis of the writings of Daniel Prescott, an American scholar who toured European schools in the middle of the 1920s. Influenced by his experience of frontline warfare as a volunteer driver in France in 1917, Prescott travelled in Austria, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany and Switzerland from September 1926 to June 1927 hoping to see education systems being more internationalist and less chauvinist. He interviewed prominent educationists and observed and interviewed teachers in schools, sending regular reports by letter to his sponsors and then publishing a book Education and International Relations. A Study of the Social Forces That Determine the Influence of Education, in 1930. The analysis of his account of his observations demonstrates that Prescott collected evidence of a growing internationalist approach to education particularly among elementary school teachers. The analysis also relates this to the contemporaneous concern to develop internationalism as a response to the nationalism at the heart of WWI.




本文探讨了教育系统在民族主义和国际主义教育方面如何应对第一次世界大战的后果。它通过借鉴国际主义理论和分析丹尼尔普雷斯科特的著作来做到这一点,丹尼尔普雷斯科特是一位在 20 年代中期访问欧洲学校的美国学者。受 1917 年在法国担任志愿司机的前线战争经历的影响,普雷斯科特于 1926 年 9 月至 1927 年 6 月期间游历了奥地利、捷克斯洛伐克、英国、法国、德国和瑞士,希望看到教育系统更加国际化,减少沙文主义。他采访了著名的教育家,观察和采访了学校的老师,定期通过信件向赞助商发送报告,然后出版了一本书教育和国际关系。对决定教育影响的社会力量的研究,1930 年。对他的观察记录的分析表明,普雷斯科特收集了越来越多的国际主义教育方法的证据,尤其是在小学教师中。该分析还将此与同时期关注发展国际主义作为对第一次世界大战核心民族主义的回应联系起来。
