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Models of Trauma Exposure, Depression, and Suicidality in Safety-Net Primary Care
Journal of Traumatic Stress ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1002/jts.22658
Samantha N Mladen 1 , Allison B Williams 1 , Sarah C Griffin 1 , Paul B Perrin 2 , Bruce D Rybarczyk 1

Suicidality is a major public health concern, particularly for low-income, trauma-exposed patients with limited access to mental health providers. However, limited research has modeled pathways of suicidality in safety-net primary care samples. Patients (N = 207) in a safety-net primary care clinic completed measures of childhood and adult trauma exposure, depression, and suicidality. Participants (M age = 44.8 years, SD = 11.6), were 60.4% male, 63.8% Black/African American, and predominantly low-income (i.e., 69.1% reported an annual income less than $5,000 USD). Half of the sample reported at least four childhood traumatic events (M = 3.9 events, SD = 3.0) and approximately three adult traumatic events (M = 3.0 events, SD = 2.1). Most participants (82.1%) reported significant depressive symptoms, and 43.5% endorsed recent suicidality. Models showing the mediational effect of depression on the association between trauma exposure and suicidality, β = .20, B = 0.23, SE = 0.05, 95% CI [0.16, 0.32], and the moderational effect of trauma exposure on the association between depression and suicidality, β = .16, B = 0.20, SE = 0.08, p = .007, were both supported. These results underscore the high prevalence of trauma exposure, depression, and suicidality in a safety-net primary care sample. They also highlight the pervasiveness and complexity of suicidality in low-income primary care patients, emphasize the importance of trauma-informed suicide assessment, and identify trauma sequelae and depression as potential treatment targets to reduce suicidality.



自杀是一个主要的公共卫生问题,特别是对于低收入、受过创伤的患者来说,他们接触心理健康服务提供者的机会有限。然而,有限的研究模拟了安全网初级保健样本中的自杀途径。安全网初级保健诊所的患者 ( N = 207) 完成了儿童和成人创伤暴露、抑郁和自杀的测量。参与者(M年龄 = 44.8 岁,SD = 11.6)为 60.4% 的男性,63.8% 的黑人/非裔美国人,并且主要是低收入人群(即 69.1% 的人报告年收入低于 5,000 美元)。一半的样本报告了至少四个儿童创伤事件(M = 3.9 事件,SD = 3.0)和大约三个成人创伤事件(M = 3.0 个事件,SD = 2.1)。大多数参与者 (82.1%) 报告有明显的抑郁症状,43.5% 的参与者表示最近有自杀倾向。模型显示抑郁对创伤暴露与自杀之间的关联有中介作用,β = .20,B = 0.23,SE = 0.05,95% CI [0.16, 0.32],以及创伤暴露对抑郁之间关联的调节作用和自杀,β = .16,B = 0.20,SE = 0.08,p =.007,均受支持。这些结果强调了安全网初级保健样本中创伤暴露、抑郁和自杀的高流行率。他们还强调了低收入初级保健患者自杀的普遍性和复杂性,强调了创伤知情自杀评估的重要性,并将创伤后遗症和抑郁症确定为减少自杀的潜在治疗目标。