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Bus stop design and traffic safety: An explorative analysis
Accident Analysis & Prevention ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2020.105917
Ross O. Phillips , Oddrun Helen Hagen , Siri Hegna Berge

One way to prioritize public transport over private vehicle mobility, is to implement curbside rather than layby bus stop designs. There is, however, uncertainty about the consequences of implementing curbside rather than layby stops for traffic collision risks. To begin investigating this issue, we describe an exploratory analysis in which national data describing bus stops, road properties, traffic collisions and built-up areas were merged based on geographical location. Analysis of the resulting data set suggests that the relative rates of traffic collisions resulting in personal injury within 60 m of the bus stop, is higher for curbside than for layby stops in built-up areas (0.32 vs. 0.22 collisions per ten million passing vehicles, respectively). Our analyses suggest that the higher risk of nearby collisions for curbside stops is not necessarily due to bus stop design, but rather because they tend to be located closer to junctions and side roads, where collisions are more likely. Our data are not consistent with hypotheses that curbside stops are associated with greater shares of head-on or rear-end collisions than layby stops, nor that layby stops are associated with greater shares of side-on collisions than curbside stops. The limitations of this exploratory analysis, and of the use of national-level data for studying the effects of bus stop design on collision risk, are related to lack of control of bus stop design features other than curbside vs. layby, statistical power, data registration and compromises made when coupling data based on geographical location. Future work should attempt to build on our approach, and supplement database analyses with analysis of in-depth reports of bus stop collisions, observations of road user conflicts near bus stops, and before-after studies following conversion from layby to curbside stops or from curbside to layby stops.



优先考虑公共交通而不是私家车出行的一种方法是实施路边而不是临时公交车站的设计。但是,对于交通冲突风险,实施路边而不是临时停车的后果尚不确定。为了开始研究这个问题,我们将进行探索性分析,在该分析中,基于地理位置将描述公交车站,道路属性,交通冲突和建筑面积的国家数据进行合并。对结果数据集的分析表明,在公交车站的60 m以内造成人身伤害的交通事故的相对发生率,在路边停车区要高于在停车区的路边停车处(每千万辆过往车辆0.32 vs. 0.22碰撞) , 分别)。我们的分析表明,路边停车站附近发生碰撞的风险较高,不一定是由于公交车站的设计造成的,而是因为它们往往位于更可能发生碰撞的路口和小路附近。我们的数据与以下假设不一致,即路边停靠点与前向或后端碰撞的比例要大于后备停车,而后备停靠点与侧面碰撞的比例要高于路边停靠的假设。这种探索性分析的局限性以及使用国家级数据来研究公交车站设计对碰撞风险的影响,与缺乏对路边停车位,待命,统计能力,数据等公交车站设计功能缺乏控制有关根据地理位置耦合数据时进行注册和妥协。
