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Revisiting the Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic Transition in the Extreme NW of Africa: The Latest Results of the Chronological Sequence of the Cave of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Tétouan, Morocco)
African Archaeological Review ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10437-021-09425-x
Rafael M. Martínez Sánchez , Juan Carlos Vera-Rodríguez , Guillem Pérez-Jordà , Marta Moreno-García , Youssef Bokbot , Leonor Peña-Chocarro

This study focuses on the chronostratigraphic sequence of the Cave of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Dar Ben Karrich, Tétouan, Morocco) excavated in 2012 in the framework of the AGRIWESTMED research project. The broad sequence reveals a series of occupations ranging from the Pleistocene (Moroccan Aterian) to recent historical times. Our research identifies a rich Early Neolithic phase (sixth millennium cal BC) containing the earliest pottery and domesticated animal and plant remains in the western Maghreb. However, this Early Neolithic level is not an immediate successor of the last traces of the Epipalaeolithic hunter-gatherer occupation, which started at the end of the Younger Dryas (10,900–9700 cal BC). An abandonment phase, spanning more than a millennium, separated them. This hiatus appears to originate from a cold climatic event that began in the late seventh millennium cal BC (ca. 6200 BC) and ended around the mid-sixth millennium cal BC.



这项研究的重点是在AGRIWESTMED研究项目框架下于2012年发掘的Kaf Taht el-Ghar洞穴(Dar Ben Karrich,摩洛哥得土安)的地层地层序列。广泛的序列揭示了从更新世(摩洛哥阿特里亚人)到最近历史时期的一系列职业。我们的研究确定了一个丰富的新石器时代早期(公元前六千年),其中包含马格里布西部最早的陶器和驯养的动植物残骸。但是,这个新石器时代的早期水平并不是上古石器时代的猎人-采伐者占领的最后遗迹的直接继承,后者始于年轻的树妖的末期(公元前10900-9700 cal)。跨越一个千年的遗弃阶段将它们分开。
