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A path forward for Swedish drug policy?
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1177/1455072520978352
Ted Goldberg 1

Aims and premise:

The primary aims of this article are to: describe some major aspects of the theoretical basis of the Swedish drug policy model, present alternative theoretical understandings which may pave the way for changes in drug policy, depict some problems with the Swedish model, introduce the primary principles for “the experimenting society”, and give concrete examples of when these have/have not been applied in Sweden.

Some findings:

Sweden’s predominantly biochemical approach should be replaced by a biopsychosocial model. The idea that all non-medical consumption of drugs is abuse is counterproductive. Differences between recreational and problematic consumers are discussed. The question of people’s motives for taking drugs has not been incorporated into Swedish drug policy. The stepping-stone hypothesis is examined. It was found that recreational and problematic consumption do not co-vary, indicating that these are two essentially different phenomena.


After four decades with the current Swedish drug policy model we are further from our pronounced goal of striving towards becoming a drug-free society than when we started. Access to, and demand for, drugs has continually increased, and our drug policies have caused serious collateral damage. Consequently, there is good reason to re-think the course we have chosen. The Swedish version of the war on drugs has failed to achieve its goals and it is time to make peace. It is time to accept that we will never be drug-free and therefore must learn to live with narcotics. As nobody knows what is the best way to achieve this, we should approach the task with humility. We need to put prestige aside and become “the experimenting society”; that is, one that would vigorously try out possible solutions and make stringent, multidimensional evaluations of outcomes. When the evaluation of a reform shows it to have been ineffective or harmful, we should try other measures.








在采用当前瑞典毒品政策模式的 4 年之后,与我们开始时相比,我们距离努力成为无毒品社会的明确目标更远了。药物的获取和需求不断增加,我们的药物政策造成了严重的附带损害。因此,我们有充分的理由重新考虑我们选择的课程。瑞典版的毒品战争未能实现其目标,是时候缔结和平了。是时候接受我们永远不会远离毒品,因此必须学会与毒品共处的时候了。由于没有人知道实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么,我们应该谦虚地完成这项任务。我们需要抛开声望,成为“实验社会”;也就是说,会大力尝试可能的解决方案并做出严格的规定,结果的多维评估。当一项改革的评估表明它无效或有害时,我们应该尝试其他措施。
